"Minho, what bar are you at?" I sighed, getting up to grab my keys.

"I'm at the one downtown, Seoul Bar!" he exclaimed happily.

"Stay there, I'm coming to pick you up," I stated, leaving my place.

"Oh really? Yay!" Minho exclaimed.  "I'll see you soon Hana!"

Shaking my head, I ended the call and got into my car.  I set the address and drove to the bar Minho said he was at.

Regardless of everything he said on the phone, I figured I'd at least be a good person and help him get home safe.  Based on our conversation, Minho was beyond drunk.

I quickly entered the building and immediately spotted Minho sitting at the bar counter.  I walked up to him only to find him taking another shot of alcohol.

"Hana!" he yelled as soon as he saw me.  I walked closer to him and he immediately wrapped me in a tight hug.

"Hi Minho," I replied back, trying not to let my feelings get the best of me. I lightly rested my arms on his shoulders and tried to break away from the hug.  "You're way too drunk to stay here, I'm taking you home."

"No, I want to have a drink with you!" he pouted, calling over a bartender.

"Hi ma'am, can I get you started with something?" he asked me.

"Oh no that's okay, I'm not here to drink," I clarified.

"Yes she is!" Minho jumped in. "You can get us two shots of tequila, thanks!"

"No no, please don't, we'll get going now," I urged the bartender, asking him to not give us any more drinks.  I grabbed Minho's hand and dragged him out of the bar, ignoring all of his complaints.

I managed to get him to sit in the passenger seat of my car and I made my way to the drivers seat to start driving.  The car ride was completely silent as Minho began to doze off a little.  It was well past midnight, leaving the roads rather empty.

I arrived at Minho's apartment complex and took his hand in mine once again to lead him to his place.

"Hana," he called out.


"I like it when you hold my hand."

I glared at him, very confused.  Drunk Minho felt like talking to a completely different person.  I sighed and simply brought him to his door, without saying anything.

"Do you have the keys?" I asked, to which Minho nodded and managed to unlock the door.

I turned on the light for him and led him to his bedroom, to which he plopped down on his bed, basically blacked out.

Exhausted, I moved his legs so that they were now on the bed and covered his body with a blanket.  Now that that was over, I was more than ready to head home.

"Hana," Minho called out again, his voice mumbled.

"What?" I asked, getting rather annoyed.

"I want to kiss you."

"Well we can't have a lot of things in life Minho," I snapped back, getting more and more annoyed.

"Please, just once."

"First of all, you're drunk as fuck, second of all, I don't want to kiss you after the way you treated me, and third of all, your head isn't on straight."

"I don't care," he whined, grabbing my hand.  He tugged my arm hard, trying to pull me onto the bed with him.

"That's not gonna work Minho," I said, rolling my eyes.  All of a sudden, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me towards him.

"Now you can kiss me," Minho grinned as I used my elbows to prop myself up.

"No, you reek of alcohol," I replied, freeing myself from his grasp and falling onto the other side of the bed.  Minho turned to me, staring at me intently.

"Go to sleep Minho," I groaned.  I just wanted to get home and forget about everything he said tonight.

"Only if you stay here with me," he reasoned, pulling me closer to him.

I couldn't stop my heart from beating faster and the butterflies from appearing in my stomach. I gazed at him full of mixed emotions and let out a long sigh.

"Okay yeah whatever, fine.  Now go to sleep."

Just like that, Minho closed his eyes and moved even closer to me, his arm still around my waist.

I'll just stay like this until he sleeps I guess.

Tequila || lee minho ✓Where stories live. Discover now