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I spent the beginning of this week a little put off, mainly because Minho didn't even bother responding to my texts, even after a couple days passed.  By this point, I knew he read them and purposely chose not to respond. There was absolutely no way that bitch didn't check his messages since then.

Deep inside, I wondered if maybe he really did hate my guts and genuinely didn't want to talk to me again.  I had no clue what was running through his mind given that I couldn't even see him.  Unless of course the entire gang decided to meet up again...

A few days later, as the weekend was fast approaching, it seemed as if my wishes came true when Changbin offered us free tickets to a nearby amusement park.  It was almost impossible for me to hold in my excitement, especially knowing that I'd be able to go on some roller coasters.  And see Minho, of course.

I woke up really early that day to get ready and make sure I had everything.  After I finished brushing my teeth and washing my face, I barged into Felix's room.  He was still fast asleep on his bed and I didn't hesitate at all to pull his covers away.

"Wake up Felix, we need to go now," I said impatiently, throwing the blankets off to the side.

"Already?" he groaned, glancing at his alarm clock.  "Hana it's only 7 am."

"And we need to be there by 8," I reasoned, now pulling his arm so he could actually get out of bed.  "It'll take a solid half hour to get there."

"Someone's excited," Felix muttered, finally dragging himself out of bed.

After a lot of urging Felix to hurry up, we were finally in the car ready to pick up Ara and Jisung.

"What's taking them so long?" I asked leaning my head back in frustration.

"I'll call them," Felix offered, telling the two to hurry up once Ara answered the call.

Finally, Ara and Jisung emerged from their apartment building as the four of us quickly drove off, already 15 minutes late.

Halfway through the ride there, I received a notification from Minho, surprised at the random text.

where tf are u guys
we're all here

nice of u to finally text back
glad ur not dead

i know ur glad ;)

shut up omg

but srsly
wtf is taking so long

someone's getting a lil
impatient dont u think?
it's ok minho
i'll be there soon
no need to worry
u can see ur fav person
in a few min 😘

this is why
i asked chan to text u guys

it's ok i know
u secretly wanted to text me ;)
no need to make excuses

ur impossible

impossibly gorgeous ik

just hurry up pls
before changbin loses it

before changbin loses it
or before u become too impatient
from waiting to see me?

bye i'm leaving

see u soon :D
try not to miss me too much

kindly fuck off <3

"Finally!" I exclaimed, jumping out of the car as soon as we parked.  I scanned the crowd to find the rest of the group.  After seeing Changbin wave us over, we ran to the entrance of the amusement park.

"What took so long?" Seungmin asked us.

"There was a slight hold up," I giggled, earning me a punch on the arm from Ara.  "Bitch what the fuck?!"

I saw Minho glance at me from the corner of my eye due to the commotion and I took the opportunity to turn to him, surprising him a little.  This was the first time I saw him again after our little plan to get our best friends together.

Even though he was only in a pair of jeans and t-shirt, he somehow made it look so good.  His hair seemed to be perfectly styled as his eyes stared right back at mine.

Everyone took no time to enter the park, leaving Minho and me trailing behind.

"You're staring," he stated bluntly, breaking the silence.

"You are too," I replied with the same uninterested tone.

"Only because you started it."

"Or because I'm impossibly gorgeous?" I asked, referencing our conversation from earlier.

"You're so hard to put up with," he said, rolling his eyes.

"Don't act like you aren't full of yourself."

"Rightfully so. You? I'm not so sure..." he trailed off, looking me up and down playfully.

"Oh please," I scoffed.  I moved one of my hands close to the floor.  "You're down here," I said while moving my other hand above my head.  "while I'm up here.  You said it yourself, did you already forget? I set the bar pretty high."

"Shut up," he muttered, walking faster to join the rest of the group.  I smiled, knowing I won and quickly followed Minho.  

We all decided to ride the pirate ship ride first.  Jeongin, Minho and myself all wanted to sit at the very end, causing me to become sandwiched between the two boys on the ride.

The ride started, my heart dropping every time the ship swung from one side to another.  As it got higher and higher, I began to become a little nervous. I didn't expect the ride to go up this high...

As the ship reached its highest point, I grabbed onto Minho's arm for support.  Yes, I liked these kinds of rides but this was too high, even for me.

I screamed as the ship dropped once more, tightening my grip on Minho's arm.  He looked at me amused but also slightly confused at my actions.

As the pirate ship finally slowed down, I loosened my grip on Minho's arm and sheepishly looked at him.

"Someone's scared of heights," he teased, now fully enjoying himself.

"Oh shut up," I rolled my eyes, as the ride finally came to a stop.

"Hana I know that you're absolutely obsessed with me but you can let go of my arm now."

"First of all, I'm not obsessed with you and second of all, I was going to do that so stop assuming shit," I replied quickly.  I unhooked my arm from Minho's and got off the ride in a hurry, still a little embarrassed that I even did that in the first place.

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