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Moving boxes to Minho's new apartment took a couple hours so by the time we finished, I was completely exhausted. 

"Why do you have so much shit?" I complained as I fell onto the couch.  We haven't even moved everything, a lot of his kitchen stuff were still in the cabinets.

"Hey having to pick up your entire life and move it is hard, of course I'm going to have things," he fired back as he took a seat next to me.

Dori as jumped up on the couch and sat next to me.  I pulled her closer in order to pet her.

"See, Dori likes me more than you," I smiled.

"If you keep brainwashing my cats into liking you more than me, I won't ever invite you here again."

"You wouldn't," I gasped.  "Besides, you still need help moving, don't you?"

"I can always call Jisung," Minho shrugged.

"Do you really think he'd want to come?" I asked, thinking back to him and Ara.

"No, not really," Minho sighed, grabbing Soonie to pet.

"Then you're lucky I love cats."

"So that's why you offered to help me move?" Minho asked, in shock.

"I mean come on, anything to see your cats," I laughed, bringing Dori into my lap.

And anything to see you.

"Wow, I'm offended," he rolled his eyes.  "Anyways, it's getting a little late so do you want to just have dinner here? I can cook something quickly."

"You cook?" I asked surprised.

"Yeah, is that a problem?" Minho answered, raising an eyebrow.

"No, you just didn't strike me as someone who can cook."

"I am a man of many talents," he explained, getting up and heading to kitchen.  "You can watch something on the TV if you want in the meantime."

"Ew boring," I said, getting up as well and following him to the kitchen.  "Let me help you."

All of a sudden, Minho stopped in his tracks, causing me to bump into him from behind.  He turned around, eyeing me.

"Can you cook?" he asked.

"Why, do I not strike you as a person who can cook?" I challenged him, inching a little closer.  Our faces were extremely close now as my heart began to beat faster.

After a few seconds of looking at me, Minho finally broke the silence.  "No, you don't."

With that, he turned around and began working.

"Rude!" I called out.  I jumped up to sit on the counter of his kitchen island, watching Minho cook.  "What do you need me to do?"

"Sit there and look pretty."

"So you think I'm pretty?" I asked.

"Haven't we already established this?" Minho questioned as he began cutting vegetables.

"Established what?" I continued.  Yes, I remembered what happened at the amusement park, but I wanted to hear Minho say it again.

"That I find you attractive."

The butterflies in my stomach intensified at those words but I also felt a little uneasy.  Sure, I had my fair share of boyfriends in high school but none of them made me feel like this.  It felt different when Minho called me attractive.

"And why's that?" I persisted, curious to hear his answer.

Minho stopped what he was doing and turned to face me, leaning in closer.  Even though I was higher up, it still felt like Minho was towering over me.

"Well for starters, you have confidence and I find that extremely attractive," he explained, never breaking eye contact.  "And you're just drop dead gorgeous."

To say I was taken aback would be an understatement. I thought I might have even audibly gasped.  Just as I was about to say something, Minho continued.

"Your eyes, your hair, your lips..." Minho listed off, his voice getting softer and softer.  His eyes slowly moved down to my lips as I sat still, waiting to see what he'd do next.  He moved even closer to me so that my legs were on either side of him.  He then looked back up at me before continuing.  "it's all so beautiful."

My mind, my heart, my stomach, everything was going crazy.  Minho was standing so close, his body pressed up against the counter.  I leaned in, continuing to close the gap between the two of us.

He suddenly wrapped his arms around my waist and closed his eyes.  He looks absolutely unreal right now.

Our lips connected softly, and I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck.  One of his hands trailed down my body and onto my thigh, pulling it closer to him.  I took that as a signal to wrap my legs around his torso, bringing him even closer.

My mind was a jumbled mess as I continued kissing him.  My hands travelled everywhere, playing with his hair and trailing them down his back.  I took in his intoxicating scent just as the kiss began to get more heated.

The two of us pulled away, completely breathless.  My lips were pink and swollen from the kiss and I tried to calm myself after what just happened.

I tried fixing my messed up hair the best I could as I looked at Minho.  He was still staring me with a satisfied expression.

"What?" I asked, unable to hide a smile.

"Nothing," Minho shook his head.  "That was just really hot."

"Agreed," I said, jumping off the counter.  After a few seconds of silence, I spoke up again.  "Should we continue cooking then?"

Minho nodded, continuing from where he left off.  The entire time, we worked together to cook but never mentioned the kiss again, even though we both knew it was in the back of our minds.

We made tteokbokki and it tasted delicious.  Minho really wasn't lying when he said he could cook.

As we ate, we had a steady conversation, which let me learn even more about Minho.  On the outside, he appeared as this intimidating and cold person but in reality, he was just as caring and kind.  He had passions, hobbies, and dreams and it was beautiful to see him talk about them whole heartedly.

After helping him clean up, I knew I spent way too much time with him by now and that Felix would ask me a shit ton of questions about my day.

"I should probably get going," I chuckled, reaching down to pet Minho's cats for one last time.

"You know, I have more things I need move," Minho said, suggestively.

"If it means seeing these three again, I'm all in," I said, giving him a thumbs up.

"And seeing me?"

"Yeah, that too."

I got up and faced him.  "I'll see you around then Minho.  Just text me if you need any more help."

He nodded, leading me to the door.  Once there, we just stared at each other for a few seconds.  I slowly looked at his lips, making sure Minho was watching me.

"Okay, I'll talk to you soon," I smiled, looking back up at his eyes to watch his now flustered state.  I quickly closed the door behind me, satisfied that I teased him like that.

-- a/n --

AHHHHDKLFE yall seriously dont know how excited i am for this story. like buckle up bitches

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