Angst - Eddie the Vampire Pt. 2

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Steve's POV

We came up with a plan. Not a great plan, but it was a plan. Robin, El and max were now here as well which was helpful. Our plan was to make me fall asleep, I would dream about Eddie, if I could remember that it was only a dream I could go talk to him. If that fails then El will be able to try view my dream..? I'm not sure how that works but we figure that if Eddie exists still than she can go see what he is doing.

It was dark... and cold. It was silent, apart from the distant screeches of bats. Vecna was on my far left, Eddie was on my right. Still too far away to see properly. He was leaving the forest with a slight energy of urgency as he ran. He stopped outside the Henry Creel house looking around, afraid. His head scanned the area, he knew I was there. His eyes landing on me, I didn't dare to move. I couldn't move. Suddenly Eddie broke his trance and started running faster than I expected he could. He was running in my direction, yet I still couldn't move. Everything was going too fast, my heartbeat, Eddie, the swarm of bats above. Everything was too fast.

Eddie arrived at his desired destination and stood in front of me. Once again I was staring deeply into his eyes. He was close enough I could fully take him in this time. His jawline was sharper, the blush had left his cheeks, his eyelashes were still long, his hair was still a beautiful mess. Most noticeably his eyes were red and focused on mine.

Breaking eye contact, he lifted his hand and softly stroked my cheek and pulled my face closer so he could rest his forehead on mine.

"You're going to be okay. Trust me."

"Eddie! Eddie?"

Eddie left my sight as I jolted up gasping. My heavy panting filled the room as everyone was silent.
Pain shot through my chest as i recalled that we haven't completed our mission yet. I laid still, apart from my quivering hands.

"So... what happened?" Lucas asked.

"Eddie is good. He's on our team," El announced.

"Okay. But what happened. I mean this is good but we need to know everything."


"So the plan is: find a gate and go into the upside down, then find Eddie and make sure he's not with Vecna, convince him to kill Vecna with his sword thing because that's what happened in your fictional game, then we bring Eddie home. Correct?" I assured, but still iffy on the plan being based around a game.

My head span with worries about returning. Existing in the upside down was troubling, but dealing with the struggles that came after was harder, but now the fact that Eddie could come home, that meant more to me than my suffering.


"I mean it's a little bit more complicated than that, but in general, yes. We are going to need a could of people to stay in case anything happens to the ones in the upside down. Like a rescue team, and we'll stay talking on the walkie-talkies whenever something happens," Mike said making the plan sound a little better.

"I suggest we leave behind Will and Max, because Vecna always wants to kill Will when he's near, and well..." Nancy said gesturing to Max who was next to Lucas.

"We'll, because I'm the one in the wheelchair, yeah I get it," Max continued, she seemed bothered by not being able to help out, but I could tell Lucas was glad that he didn't have to worry about her being back in the upside down.

"They're going to need an adult with them. They're children," Robin pointed out.

"I'm the one who knows how to use a gun. I'm going," Nancy announced.

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