Finally, you can see the house in a short distance. It is your fate and you already accepted. As you glance up, a vast number of dazzling stars may be seen in the night sky.

It really is a wonderful place compare to your hometown. You wish to have a longer life and be here again, without pretending and missions that must be accomplished. You want to live here with a normal life.

When you do arrive, you see what you expected to see. Scouts leading by Hange are pointing their rifles towards you. After Erwin, she is now in charge of the regiment.

As you roam your sight around you see Levi’s squad with them, Sasha, Mikasa, Armin, Connie, Jean and Eren. You understand now why they act unusual during dinner, it must be the reason.

You’re going to surrender with all your will.

“I thought you’re gone for good, Y/N.” Hange began; you only smile bitterly back at her. It might hurt, but what else you can do, it is your destiny, destined to die at their hands.
You then said, “Well, the victory is yours.”

As she look at you, you can see her taking a deep sigh and say, “Y/N, for working the black government, robbery, murder and assault, killing numerous nobles, killed Pastor Nick, and also for attempting to assassinate Levi Ackerman, you will face execution.”

You breathed out heavily after hearing it. You’ve done so many things that can’t be forgiven and death is the only way to atone all of your crimes.

You stare at the red rose in your hand, saddened by the possibility that you won’t see them again. You wonder if there are still other colors.

Damn, it fucking hurts.

You wonder how Elias will react to hear this news, and Leisel, how you wish that you can at least say goodbye to her. You’re thinking if they receive what you sent to them at this moment.

You will be no longer with everyone, the team, you will be no longer the one to take care of them after battle and even in sickness. You guess Eren will still be in sickness during their training. You smile of the thoughts in your mind. You had your best life with them.

You reached out for the dagger hidden inside your dress and put it in his hand. He gives you a wary glance. “I’m giving it back to the rightful owner, it belongs to you.”

You breathed out heavily and were about to walk towards them and surrender, but Levi’s grip on your hand tightened never letting go.

“Levi…” He stares at your face as you whisper his name; his name fits him so well. You could feel his hold on you becoming even tighter as he continued to stare at your face.

Levi, please, don’t complicate things. It is for the better.

“It’s fine Levi…” you whispered, smiling towards him but he stayed still just only staring at you. You continued, “…I’m wishing you all the best. Please…let me go.”

Finally, his grip loosens, letting go of your hand. You see him for the last time before you turn your back. You smile with your back facing him as you said, “Thank you for everything, Levi.”

You walked away from him never looked back and walked towards your end. You targeted my heart and you win. Till we meet again, Levi Ackerman.

“Are you sure about this, Leisel?” Hange asked her once again before she gets in the carriage. “Yes Commander Hange, I’m going back now to Wall Sina.” Leisel resigned as medic from the survey corps and had decided to reside back inside Wall Sina and manage the business that her brother had.

She will now having her normal life in the capital away from chaos, and that is what you wished in the letter. As she was inside the carriage, she took out the letter you left for her, and read it once more. She bitterly smiles and looks out through the window, and wipes the tears from her cheeks. “Y/N, you idiot.”

“The survey corps is really amazing.” One man said and then his companion agreed saying, “Right, they captured everyone in the black government, and finally executed.”

He nodded back to his companion and then added, “They truly deserve it, they were criminals, and they are behind for supplies and goods to decrease rapidly. Finally they are gone.” They continue to walk along the street while reading the news paper.

“Come back again.” Levi exited the flower shop as he walks away. He makes his way to the street wearing his stoic look.

The sun is finally setting and the breeze of the air becomes colder. He continues to walk and not so long he arrived to the place where you’re finally resting peacefully, but there was a man standing next to it.

As he approached he finally recognizes it. It was Elias, the one who spill out everything about black government. After you were executed he came to the survey corps and spills everything he knows causing the end of black government.

“What brings the traitor here?” Levi began but Elias only gave a shoulder shrugged, before saying, “Because she deserves a visit. Don’t worry, I’ll be gone for good as she wanted me to take care of my sister instead of doing such things and that is her only wish to me.” His voice becomes softer as he said that.

He was supposed to be executed as well but was spared because of what he did; he had helped the survey corps, in short, he betrays the black government. “I’m leaving now; I might die in your hands if I stay here.” He said and began to walk leaving Levi.

Levi breathed out heavily and knelt on the ground. He placed the white roses on your grave. After your execution he secretly requests Hange to have your body and made a proper burial with the help of his squad.

He smiles and whisper, “I’m sorry if I only brought this flower now. It’s white roses, and it is very beautiful I know you will like them.”

He pauses for a while before he continues, “I hope you finally meet Furlan and Isabel, they were good friends. Hope you're having fun with them.”

He stares at your grave before pulling out the letter you left for him. He hasn’t read them yet because he’s afraid of what you’ve written. It was only today that he finally opened it. He stares at it for a moment before reading them, the letter says,

My dear, my everything.
My handsome and strongest soldier.
You came in my life, made me happier, and changed me.
Although survival is my only main goal, but I became a person with dream, dream of being with you.
When I met you, I never imagined things would turn out this way, but they turned out to be so beautiful.
I want to be with you. I want to stay. I want to live.
You will remain always in my heart.
I will always have a special place in my heart for you, and I will never stop loving you.
In this lifetime, I’m glad I met you because you’re such a wonderful man.
You win, I lose.
You succeed, I failed.
It is sad, but we’re not meant to be.
I’m only here for one reason, I’m not here to kill you; rather, I’m here to love you. I won’t regret the choice I made. I love you.

As he read the letter tears uncontrollably fall down to his cheek. He finally cried. He already knows you’ve fallen for him, but he’s reluctant to admit how much you dear to him. He was too afraid to admit his true feelings for you.

He hated himself for not telling you and for failing to protect you. He wanted but he’s powerless against odd. He was dejected as he cast a saddening gaze at the sky.

The wind blow touches his skin but with sorrow, “I know you’re watching me, I’m sorry…I should’ve had protected you.” His voice cracks from crying.

The choice he made caused him so much pain, he wished he could undo everything, go back the time, and bring things back. He loves you but he only watched and let you die.

He wanted to bring you back to life and express his undying love for you. Between his sobs he murmured, “I hope you can hear me…Y/N…I love you.”

The only thing we’re allowed to do…is to believe that we won’t regret the choice we made. – Levi Ackerman.

…and he regret.

The end.

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