Chapter 13

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After speaking with Elias, you returned to the head quarters

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After speaking with Elias, you returned to the head quarters. You exhale in relief as he just pays you the agreed-upon amount for keeping Leisel safe, even though you didn’t do anything. Haha.

You thought he came for the update to your mission, but he only reminded you before you two parted ways. “Don’t get too attached with them, especially your target; else, you risk failing your mission and suffering the consequences. It must be completed as soon as possible because it puts you in danger.”

You sigh as you stared to the rose in your hand. I won’t fail; all I have to do is to wait for the completion of his goal, and if it does, then that is the time to kill him. I had made a promise to myself that I would never become attached, thus there will never be a problem, you thought.

“Y/N, where have you been?” Leisel approaches you asking and she then added, “I saw you and Captain leave here earlier, but he came back alone and looked upset, I was worried that something bad happens to you.”

You two walk together, heading to your room. “I just had met with your brother.” You said to her and she nodded right after you replied it to her. She then said, “It’s good you met him. He was looking for you. Is it about the mission?”

You look at her as you couldn’t tell her that you made money because of her. “Nothing significant.” You muttered while shaking your head.

Leisel suddenly cling unto your arm, and you scowl as you watched her. “Let’s hang out since it’s our day off today.” You were about to decline her offer but she suddenly pulled you to walk leaving you no choice, not even giving you time to decide.

You just had walk with Levi this morning and now with Leisel, can they just give me peace? I want to rest in my bed.

“Where?” You queried her and you avoided not sounding to be not interested or you might hurt her feelings. She responded, “Somewhere to enjoy,” as she started to run while tugging you along. Damn, it's going to be a tiring day.

You collapse your body in your bed, exhausted. “It was really fun.” She said happily. You snort before giving her a drowsy stare. “Yeah, it was great.” …and I’m tired. I lost the rose and I can’t remember where I put it.

“Let’s hang out again on our next day off.” She said, and you bit your bottom lip because you didn’t like the suggestion. She is a drain to be around.

“Okay let’s hang out again.” You replied but your mind saying opposite. You closes your eyes to sleep as you heard a knock at the door from behind, though, interrupting your slumber. Simply disregard it since Leisel was there.

You glance at Leisel furiously as you sit up from lying down after she awakens you by stating, “Captain Levi was looking for you, he sent Armin to look for you, and he said that it’s time to change the bandages.” Then she frown and inquired, “What bandages?” you only sigh in defeat as you replied to her, “…he’s just injured.”

You tiredly took a stand and began to walk heading to the infirmary. She was about to asked for more but you only shut the door close leaving her there. Can he just do it with himself, he’s big enough.

After taking your things from the infirmary you headed towards Levi’s office. Upon arriving to his room and you were about to knock the door, you were confused as it was already slightly open.

You open the door expecting him being not around because it was left open but what made you surprised is Levi looking at you with his stoic look. He’s mad for some reason. You just hope that he wasn't around.

You watched him took a stand, walk over to the couch, and start taking to buttons off his shirt. You simply sighed, walked, and seated yourself next to him.

As you began to change the bandages you heard him say, “That scientist is your…?” you pause as if you’re thinking as he asked you that. You furrowed your brows without looking at him. You avoid staring him in the eyes while concentrating on his wound. You only get shivers from it.

“Do you mean Elias?” You finally replied to him. You lifted your head up, regretting it as you saw him looking at you and his face extremely close to you, saying, “Don’t respond with a question.”

You even felt his breath against your skin. As you met his eyes, your heart beat faster than usual. You keep staring unto each other as it is your first time to be close to him and staring right in his eyes. It was intimidating dull gray eyes yet you find it attractive, and you were fascinated by it. 

“What, are you finding me to be so alluring?” When you heard him say it, you were surprised and looked away, continuing what you were doing. Levi smirks, and chuckled. “O-of course not…what give you the idea to thing that, stupid!” you stuttered.

You finished changing it quickly because you wanted to leave here. It is getting uncomfortable. “I-It will be your last treatment, it was all healed.” You said, as you quickly fix your things so that you can leave.

You took a stand and quickly excused yourself, heading towards the door. But before you could leave his room, with his hand, he closes the door from behind. You stare at his hand stopping the door from opening making your breathing to hitch as you felt his warm body at your back.

“You haven’t answered me yet, what connection do you have with that scientist?” He asked close to your ear. Your holds on the knob tightens, eager to leave this place.

“He’s only my friend.” You manage to say it without cracking your voice. You are so nervous next to him, and it is unusual feeling. You mustn't show him that you're feeling nervous around him.

“Friend?” You give him an aggressive nod in return. You may not be aware, but he sounded furious. You don’t know why he’s acting this way.

You went silent in a couple of minute; his hand was still on the door. As the silence become awkward and your heart keep troubling and beating so fast. Levi sighs and closes his eyes, and you felt him move away from you. Finally.

As you heard his steps walking away from you, you can finally open the door. You breathed in relief, but before you could go, he whispered, “Don’t get too close to him, I'm finding him suspicious and dangerous.”

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