Chapter 23

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It was already late at night but there were still many people here

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It was already late at night but there were still many people here. You are only standing there with levi and his squad waiting for something. You have no notion why they are staring up at the night sky together.

Is there something going to happen? Everyone who has come here is looking up as well. You only sigh and do the same. Let’s wait and see what happens.

After some time, something warm started to hold your hand. You look down seeing Levi’s hand clasping your hand and you gaze up at him after being taken aback.

He didn’t look at you, instead he says, “Here it comes.” Just in time you heard a loud whistle, and the crackling sounds after. You look up at the sky to see a glowing and sparkling zoom at the sky. As it scatters above, it brightens the surrounding. It is beautiful and dazzling.

The stunning panoramas in the sky astound everyone in the area. As you were drawn to it, you felt a warm hand in your check and were pulled you over.

You found Levi leaning in closer to you, and you stiffened out in surprised and in confusion. You couldn’t react. For a short moment he placed his lips on your lips gently pressing them together.

Your heart skipped a beat and your eyes widened in utter surprised. You gulp uncontrollably when you felt his warm, soft lips touch yours. So this is a kiss?

The fireworks continue to sparks but you can’t hear them anymore, all you can hear is your heart beating rapidly. You look at him shocked as he finally pulls his lips from yours.

He then turned to face the sky while still holding your hand, he smile so warmly and remarked, “its fireworks,” and you were left speechless. Wait, did he just kiss me? Like for real?

“So how was life there?” Leisel asked you as you wrapped a bandage around your patient. There are many injured scouts due to their rigorous training, and they needed more people in the infirmary that is why you are here.

The scouts were conducting extensive training in preparation for their upcoming expedition. You exhaled deeply before saying, “Just fine.”

After finishing the scout’s treatment, you waited for the next patient. “You’re not fine, I can clearly see it in your eyes.” She said that made you sigh once again in defeat.

“What does it mean when someone kisses you? Like out of sudden?” You asked her wanting to find answer. Days had already passed since that night, but you were still thinking about it. You can’t even have your proper sleep because of him.

She stares at you dumbfounded when you asked her about it. She even covers her mouth with her hands. Well it was shocking as hell. “W-Wait, do you mean you got kissed by who?”

You watched her face in sudden change of reaction. She was now looking at you with full of excitement. “It doesn’t matter who, just tell me-,” but she interrupts you and immediately says, “That’s love.”

When you heard the word “love,” your heart pounded more quickly and your eyes widened. “N-No, it isn’t love. I am certain.” You said back at her, but she holds you on your shoulder and smiled widely looking at you.

“So do you like it?” You took a stand and exclaimed, “What the hell, Leisel.” The people inside startled because of your loud voice. She laughed out loudly, and only stop when someone called for her and she was needed for Hange’s squad. You were left there with another patient. Damn it, asking her is not a good idea.

The day has finally come to an end, and you are now approaching where Eren and others are. They all looked so exhausted the training was kind of hell.

“How are you all?” You asked as you approached them. Everyone just gives you a tired stare. You laugh as you look at them, you said, “Don’t worry; I’ll make a delicious dinner for today.”

Their faces lighten up because of what you said. They are now riding in their horse to go back to the house. You walk towards Mikasa as she mounted her horse; you rode with her earlier heading here in the head quarter so it was expected to ride with her going back to the house.

Mikasa only look at you and you frown looking back at her. Wait, don’t tell I’m riding a horse alone? I can’t…

“You are riding with me.” You then heard his voice. Just by hearing his voice it causes your heart to pump faster. It made you felt nervous around him more than before.

It was very different after what had happened in the festival. You can’t think properly when you return home, you recall back then. It causes you so much shocked. You gulp dryly as you turn to look at him.

He was already riding his horse and now offering his hand to you. Fuck, Levi, don’t do this to me, my heart would go explode. You’ve got no choice but to reach for his hand and helps you in mounting the horse.

You’re only holding in his shirt as the horse starts to move. He was too close. Levi notices it so he whipped the rein to go faster. As it happen suddenly, you clasp your hand around his waist in utter surprised. You were almost flown away.

“Hold on tight!” Your grip on him tightens as the horse’s speed up. The tie of your hair loosens that makes your hair flown freely in the air. And you close your eyes in utter nervousness.

As you were at the back you sniff continuously as there something smells good. It made you frown, you smell his back and there you found this good scent. He smells good.

“You okay there?” He asked, in response you nodded even he can’t see but you replied aloud, “Yeah, I’m fine.”

You remain silent at his back holing firmly for safety as this made you felt scared. It was a long ride before finally arriving to the house. You can now breathe peacefully, riding a horse is frightful. You hope it’s your last to ride a horse.

You began to walk heading inside, you didn’t wait for him as he was putting the horse inside stable. “Wait.” He called you out and you eventually turned to face him. “You can’t go inside with that look.”

You wonder what he meant but you only stiffened when he fixes your hair, brushing his fingers to your hair and tucking them behind your ear. You only watched him as he was doing it.

A little smile curved in his lips before saying, “There, it’s all good.” You only followed him as he walked inside, and you didn't say anything you were too astounded.

After eating the dinner, you clean up now the kitchen and wash the dishes. Armin helps you out so it finishes quickly. You are now heading back to your room to rest. As you get inside and headed towards your bed what caught your attention is a fresh rose in your side table.

As you sat down in bed, you pick it up. It was yellow rose; you didn’t expect to have this kind of color. It is way more beautiful than others. You smile out of happiness and lay down in your bed. Did Levi leave it here for me? It is such a beautiful flower.

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