Chapter 21

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He stares at you intently, saying, “Yes, I’m worried, so don’t do that again

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He stares at you intently, saying, “Yes, I’m worried, so don’t do that again.” You were taken aback and your mouth even gaped open.

You’re thinking if you actually heard him correctly or if you’re just sleepy at this point. You actually didn’t expect it from him. Despite the fact that your head is still hurting, you sat down with the sole purpose of leaving.

You groan in agony and endure it. “I…I am going back to my room.” Even though you are stuttering, you manage to say clearly. You tried to take a stand even you are lightheaded, but he was quick.

He came to you and helped you in lying back down on the bed. “Stay here, you are not in good shape, don’t strain yourself.” You merely let out a sigh because you lack the strength to resist. You are very weak.

You watched him sat down on the edge of the bed as he wraps a blanket around you. He suddenly leaned out and tucked you hair behind your ear. You stiffened because of his sudden action, and your heart skipped a beat as your eyes once again meet his.

His eyes caught your attention, the looks on it was different, they were unusual from his stoic look, and you are not used to see as there was sadness in his eyes.

He murmured, “You’re so pale,” and turned his head away. You’ve never seen such emotions from him. Did he truly worry about me? You felt something sensation inside and wondered what it might have been.

“Do you need something?” He asked and you just shook your head in response to him. Perhaps all you needed was to rest and get your strength back. He returns his gaze towards you and asked, “Is there anything hurts you? Did your back hurts? What hurts you?”

“Uhm…” he kept asking you questions leaving you speechless and wondering where to begin. He only look at you and waited for your response. “M-My head…is aching.” You replied with a low tone.

You were expecting him to go back to his work after getting your response, but you were startled when you felt his hand begin to creep toward your head.

You gulp dryly as he gently strokes your head with his hand. You heart pumps harder every touch he do to you. Your grip on the blanket tightens as he continues to softly pats your head.

You wanted him to stop because of this strange feeling, but what he did eases the pain. It helps to lessen the pain in your head and is drowning you to sleep.

Seeing you fight off your tiredness, Levi couldn’t help but smile. After a short moment, you finally fell asleep. As you were sleeping Levi felt sad as he stares at your bare face, with his hand at your head moved down reaching for your cheek.

He touches it softly without your consciousness. His gaze then shifts to your lips. He looks at it for a considerable amount of time before closing his eyes and sighing heavily. He whispers, “If only I could change everything…I’m sorry.”

You stretch out your body as you wake up early in the morning. You rub your eyes feeling so relax, does my fever have gone? You look at the side table and saw a prepared meal.

Thoughts of whether that is yours cross your mind, but due to an empty stomach, you consume it. As you silently eat in bed, you gaze out the window and see that everyone on the field as always practicing for the expedition that will take place in few weeks.

You were astonished when the door opens to reveal Levi walking inside. His brows rises when he saw you awake and were eating. “Feeling better?” He asked, what’s caught your attention is the flower in his hand.

In response to his query, you nodded. As he approaches you he handed you the flower. It was a coral rose, which was very lovely. Your heart filled with excitement as you receive it, and you couldn’t hide your smile.

“Thank you.” You simply said at him. Enjoying staring the rose you froze as he suddenly placed his palm on your forehead. You lifted your gaze on him, and meet his eyes. His eyes were now livelier than they were last night.

“Your temperature has got back to its normal.” He said, you continually blinked and awkwardly laughed, “T-that’s good to hear.” Damn, Y/N.

He now pulls his hand back. “Remember to take your medicine,” he said. You hesitantly nodded while wondering why he is acting in such manner. He worried too much and it concerns you.

You’re just considering that he might have this soft side when someone is sick. You watched him took your plate and cup as you’re done eating, he began to walked away but before he could leave he stopped and asked, “Do you need anything?”

You shook your head and replied with, “Nothing.” He now takes his leave. You watched him close the door. You lie down back and stare at the ceiling, and started thinking of him.

You were genuinely perplexed as to why he cared for you and what this odd feeling you had. He is being so soft and it is too much to handle.

You close your eyes to sleep thinking that you can forget it when you wake up. You utterly close your eyes and trying to relax yourself. You can’t sleep no matter how hard you try. “Damn it!” You cussed out aoud.

You relaxed your breathing trying to compose yourself. You close your eyes and took a deep breath. “Forget Lev-,” you almost jump in surprised when the door suddenly opens.

You eyes wide open and look at the door which you expected to see Levi, but Sasha rushing in and approaching you. “I heard you shouted is there something wrong?” She asked, worried.

You look away to find reason, you stare at the rose on the bed side which Levi gave to you earlier. You looked back at her, smile forcefully and said, “No, I’m just fine, nothing to worry.”

She only looks at you as if she wasn’t satisfied. “But I heard you-,” you cut her off saying, “I’m just sleepy, you know, I need more sleep to regain fully my strength.” You reasoned out, luckily she believes. She smile and took a bite on her potato. As she chewed, she said, “Just call us if you need something, okay?”

“Wait, did you steal agai-,” You couldn’t finish what you are about to say when she say before shutting the door close, “Take a good rest.”

You took a sigh. “I thought that was Levi for a second.” You now close your eyes again but then snap wide open as you realized, “Wait, I’m not expecting that it was him, I swear!”

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