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word count - 1510

White lights and loud beeping was what brought Emily out of her daze, everything was blurry and an overwhelming feeling of fear, regret and pain washed over her weak body. She gripped onto the sides of the hospital bed and dizzily looked around the room, stopping when she saw a man, distorted by her vision, asleep in the corner of the room.

The monitor, which was reading her heart rate was quickly rising, alerting the nurses and soon, her room was filled with people adjusting her medications and shining torches into her eyes, completely unaware of anything that has happened in the last 3 days all Emily could do was whisper "my baby? where is my baby?"

She was so weak, nobody could hear her pleading to see her child, just as she was losing hope she heard a familiar voice outside, begging to be let in

"no! you don't understand, that's my wife in there!" Aaron was shouting at the doctors outside

"i'm sorry sir, but you can't go in at the moment, your wife is being checked out right now" the doctor replied snarky

Emily mustered up all her energy to sit up in bed and shout "Aaron!" as loud as she could

That was when Aaron lost it, he pushed past all the doctors and nurses and kneeled down next to Emily's bed, grabbing her hands and kissing them while tears threatened to fall from his eyes "you're okay" he said softly

"Aaron.. what's going on?" Emily managed to say in between sobs

Aaron stared at all the medical personnel who were crowded around his wife and they all briskly left the room, he looked at her sad, tired eyes which were darting around his face, frantically looking for any clue on what had happened to her.

"Em-" Aaron said cautiously

"no, Aaron. please just tell me the truth" Emily's voice grew stern

"okay, okay, i will. what do you remember?"

Emily's hands quickly went down to her stomach, her eyes grew wide as she realised she was no longer pregnant

"i- i, we all got on the jet and i couldn't sleep.. the baby was moving too much, i- i went to the bathroom and oh Aaron, it hurt so bad" She looked traumatised

"hey, look at me, it's all okay" he squeezed her hand again reassuringly " you were in labour on the jet okay, and Reid helped, Garcia called an ambulance and they met us as soon as we landed" Emily nodded rapidly, anxiously waiting for Aaron to tell her

"they loaded you into the ambulance and you gave birth on the way to the hospital, i haven't been able to see them because of how early they were born and i decided to not find out the gender until you could find out too"

Emily looked into his eyes, his small smile causing wrinkle lines around his eyes which she couldn't help but love, her mind was almost lagging and couldn't process what she was being told, she took a deep breath, aiming to hold back tears which were threatening to fall "so.. we have a baby?" her lip began quivering as the tears flooded down her face

"yes, my love, we have a bab-" Emily leaned down to kiss Aaron, interrupting his sentence, she smiled against his face, placing their foreheads together, squishing their noses against each other's.


5 hours later Emily had what seemed like a million tests done and asked so many questions she lost count, the only reason she didn't protest them being done was the promise at the end of it all to see her baby, the team had been called into another case and Aaron reassured them that he'd call with any and all updates with Emily and the baby. As soon as the final test came back okay, Emily and Aaron were clear to go to the NICU and see their baby, neither one knew what to expect as Aaron pushed Emily's fragile body in a wheelchair, as they reached the doors, their attention was immediately drawn to the rows of clear, plastic boxes which were housing the infants. A young doctor, who plastered on a bright smile lead the couple to their baby

"hi! i'm Dr Wilson.. you are here for baby Hotchner, right?" she cheerily asked, she reminded Emily of Penelope, the bright and happy exterior covering for the dark and horrific things they see each day

"yeah.. thank you" Aaron replied distracted as his eyes lay upon the cutest baby he'd ever seen

"no problem! if you need anything at all, i'll just be right over there" she pointed to a small work station, stacked with files and empty water bottles, before she walked away she looked back, seeing Emily and Aaron huddled around the box, holding hands tightly "your little boy couldn't ask for better parents"

Emily and Aaron dropped each other's hands and turned to the doctor behind them, there was a short silence before Emily squealed "we have a boy?!" tears streaming down both their faces, Emily continued "we have a son!" Aaron tightly embraced Emily, still cautious of not hurting her, he pressed his chin into the crook of her neck and whispered "we have son" so quietly, even Emily struggled to hear it.

After 2 hours, which seemed like 2 minutes for the couple, Dr Wilson returned and wanted to speak to them about the health of their son, she explained that because he was nearly 2 months early, for at least 3 weeks he would have to be kept in the NICU, other than that his health is okay and promised to speak to Emily's doctors about the potential of him being able to stay in the same room as her while they're both in the hospital. Soon after, Aaron and Emily spoke to her doctors too, she lost a lot of blood during labour, and her blood pressure got scarily high due to a mix of stress and the pressure of being on the jet, she should be able to go home in a couple of days, she just needed to stay for monitoring.

Aaron and Emily made their way back to Emily's hospital room, Aaron went down to the cafeteria to find something sweet to hit Emily's cravings, while Aaron was gone she messaged JJ

E- hi jayje! how's the case going?

J- em! you're up, how are you feeling?

J- the case is okay, we've got some solid leads. hopefully catch the guy soon

E- yeah, we just met our baby! i'm truly in love

J- omg! what is it? girl or boy! we all want to know

E- i'm not telling you yet! when you finish the case, come by the hospital and meet them! bring the rest of the team with you!

J- okay babe! i cant wait, we're all betting! it better be a boy because if it is Derek owes me $20

J- love you Em

E- love ya!

Emily put her phone down with a smile, as Aaron walked into the room with a smirk on his face "what?" Emily laughed as Aaron pulled out a cupcake with blue icing "it's perfect!" Emily reached out and took the cake from Aaron's hands. She took a bite and got icing on her nose, Emily was so concentrated on the cake she didn't even realise, she moved the cake over to Aaron and gave him a bite too, Aaron was looking lovingly at his wife that had icing smeared over her face "what are you looking at?" Emily raised her eyebrows at him "can't i just look at my beautiful wife and mother of my son?" he said laughing "no.. you can, but that look on your face is the same look you give me when i'm drunk and embarrassing myself.. so spill mr Hotch, what is it?" her voice getting higher and higher, he then leaned over and removed the icing with his pointer finger, showing it to her and then licking it off.

Once the cupcake was shared between the two, Emily shuffled over in the bed, inviting Aaron to join her, he quickly became the big spoon and her small body fit perfectly into his making her feel safe. Dr Wilson wheeled their son into the room, placing him beside Emily who promptly stuck her finger through the gap in the box, he grasped onto his mothers finger immediately and squeezed, the three of them were like the perfect family, surrounded in a bubble of love and protection. At that moment, neither Emily or Aaron could wish for anything more

guys i'm so sad, this is the second to last chapter ahh! i've started writing a short smut fanfic called 'sin to win weekend' but i'm too scared to publish it yet! i'm going to be sad to end this one though because i've loved writing it and i know that some of you have really loved reading it! (i hope anyway!) anyway! i love you all

n <3

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