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word count - 1632

"Olivia Hotchner... Brooklyn Hotchner?"

"Emily, love, you need to think of some boys names too, even if you think it'll be a girl"

"babe, call me crazy but my maternal instincts or whatever really think it's going to be a girl"

Emily snuggled into Aaron's shoulder on their couch, they just came back from another case and it was so tiring for Emily, trying to protect the baby as well as for Aaron, trying to protect them both. Emily was around 10 weeks pregnant now and still, only Aaron and JJ knew. Aaron wanted to tell the team as it meant they would take extra caution when out in the field but Emily also knew this, and didn't want to be treated any differently. Together they decided that Emily would stay at the station and work victimology and help Spencer with the geographical side of things.

"okay.. so if you're all team boy, what are your suggestions Mr Hotchner"

"hmm. I don't know Mrs Hotchner.. maybe James or Jackson or something.. i think J names sound good with the last name Hotchner"

"mmm i like any name with Hotchner at the end" Emily said nuzzling into Aaron's side, using him as a pillow and a blanket

"you really don't want Prentiss in their anywhere?" Aaron looked down at her, as he drew lazy patterns on her hip

"no, not at all. Prentiss' mess things up. Prentiss' are bad parents who raise children who are mad at the world, i don't want to be like my mom, Aaron, i'm a Hotchner now and i plan to be for the rest of my life and i want this baby, boy or girl to have Hotchner parents who love and care for it" Emily got defensive and started playing with her hands

Aaron moved his hand from her hip, placed it under her chin and gently moved her face closer to his, the couple shared a love-filled kiss and placed their foreheads together.

"you're nothing like your mother" Aaron softly whispered

Emily closed her eyes and inhaled

"okay? look at me Em. i met your mother and i know, you are nothing like her" Their heads separated and Emily moved over, then lay down, her head on his chest and all four of their hands lay down on Emily's barely showing bump

"you know, this baby is so lucky. Between us, we had one good parent, Aaron. Only your mom was good, but already, before this little one can even move around, he or she has two, crazy in love parents who can't wait to learn all about them" Emily said softly, so quiet that Aaron could hardly hear what she was saying, he began running his hands through her thick, curly raven hair and simply enjoyed her company, he couldn't believe that in only two years his best friend became his wife and now they were going to be parents.


Both Emily and Aaron were woken up by the sound of their phones ringing, Aaron carefully moved Emily's head from his chest and reached over for his phone.


"how many victims?"

"okay, thank you Garcia"

Aaron looked down at his sleeping wife, contemplating whether to just let her sleep or wake her up to tell her to grab their go bags, although he didn't want her in any danger, he feared the danger he would be in when Emily woke up.

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