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word count - 687

After the big reveal, the couple slipped away from the team as the adrenaline wore off and they both began freaking out. Emily played it off as going to get ready for the undercover mission. Aaron followed her, Emily didn't mind he was in the locker room with her, it gave them a moment to be alone and finally talk about the announcement.

Emily pulled out a short, figure hugging, black dress it made her eyes look like pools of honey in the sunlight, while they were alone Aaron kept protesting onto why JJ couldn't go undercover, he knew Emily and how she would put herself in danger to catch the UNSUB, "Aaron, you know i love you but she can't, she's pregnant". This upset Aaron, his girlfriend was keeping a secret from him as well as a team member, did they not trust him? "hey, it's not because she doesn't trust you" Emily said, almost reading his mind, Aaron let out a small smile, he loved how his girlfriend knew him so well "she just wasn't sure about it at first, it's only been a few weeks and she's been so overwhelmed".

As the team piled into the SUV's, Emily and Aaron got into the last one, alone. He held her thigh and her hand was intertwined with his, the silence was deafening but it was filled with all the love they shared. He was terrified, she sensed his terror but decided not to acknowledge it. The meeting was set in place for 8:30pm, it was 7:45 as the BAU team reached the club. Emily stayed in the car as Hotch slid a mic through her bra and stuck it onto her chest. Through the CCTV cameras, they saw a guy who they guessed was the UNSUB, enter, Emily walked in and his eyes were immediately drawn to her, he placed a hand on her lower back, which made both her and Aaron flinch, he lead her over to the bar, they grabbed a drink and sat together.

The next thing Emily knew she was tied up with a pounding headache, the first thing she thought was how did Aaron let this happen? She was cold and alone, the black dress that only a few hours ago made her feel unbreakable now made her look tiny and fragile.

Back at the club, Aaron was yelling at every person, employee and fbi agent around him. How could he let this happen? He couldn't help but fear the worst, was she already dead? where was she? did Emily know how much he really loved her? Luckily, Penelope secretly tracked all the team members, she placed a tracking device inside the heel of Emily's boots 3 months after she got the job in the BAU, they managed to track her down fairly quickly, Aaron jumped out of the car as it was still moving and began clearing rooms of an abandoned warehouse alone.

Eventually, Emily was found, a head wound from being knocked unconscious and a gunshot to the stomach. A pool of blood was forming around her seemingly lifeless body, Aaron ran towards her, ignoring the fact the UNSUB could still be there. "i need a medic! NOW" his voice echoed through the hallways.

An ambulance pulled up, JJ showed them the way and Aaron was now hugging her barely breathing body, Emily was slipping in and out of consciousness as they lifted her into the ambulance, Aaron jumped in along side her.

The sirens blasted and the ambulance swerved around all the cars, Emily's arm began grasping, trying to find Aaron's hand, she weakly called out "Hotch"

"shhh don't try and talk baby" he quickly replied

"i..i l..love you" she spluttered

the pain was becoming unbelievable and Emily's eyes were becoming heavy, Aaron could tell it wasn't looking good for her, she would need huge surgery as soon as they reached the hospital, without thinking he grabbed her hand again and blurted "marry me!"
not even thinking about what he said, he repeated it, meaning it this time

"Emily... marry me"

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