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word count - 1558

After their eventful weekend at the beach house where they explored each and every room of the house and each other but non of the sights in the small, touristic town where they were staying, Emily and Aaron made the journey back to the BAU offices when JJ called announcing a case.


3 months later, JJ was no longer pregnant, and she was on maternity leave. Baby Henry had visited the team a few times but Emily made sure to check up on her best friend at least once a week, when she could she went and watched Henry while JJ slept but if there was a case, she phoned her and gave her some adult conversation that gave her a break from the high-pitched baby talk. This week, Emily was nervous to visit JJ, she needed to talk to her alone.

The past few weeks, Emily had been waking up feeling nauseous, her stomach felt constantly bloated and as of today she was officially 1 week late. Since the miscarriage, Aaron and Emily hadn't even spoken about children, let alone begun trying to get pregnant. Emily wanted a baby, Aaron's baby but she was terrified to be in that vulnerable situation again, the miscarriage almost broke Emily last year and she could, wouldn't put herself through that again. Emily walked up JJ's drive way, fiddling with her necklace that Aaron got her for their anniversary. She took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

"hi" JJ exhaled, looking tired but smiling at her friend

"hey, how's my godson?" Emily loosely hugged JJ

"ahh he's good, eat, sleep, poop, repeat" JJ sarcastically responded

The two women made their way into the kitchen, pre Henry, they would have opened a bottle of wine and finished it, along with one or two more, but with JJ breastfeeding Emily has restricted drinking around her anyway, so it wouldn't be suspicious.

"how's married life treating you?" JJ broke the silence

subconsciously Emily let out a small smile "good.. really good"

"awe, Em you look so happy. i'm glad.. you deserve it" JJ grabs her hand

The two exchange eye contact, Emily knows JJ is the only person she can tell, but it also means telling her about the past. JJ could sense something going on but wasn't sure on how to bring it up

"Hey so i really need to talk to you about something.. it's going to be a lot so you need to just let me speak. i cant talk to Aaron about it because if i'm wrong it'll break him and you know Penelope, she can't keep her mouth shut"
"Em, what's up? i don't want to pry but i can tell somethings going on, just because i'm not at work right now doesn't mean you can't speak to me, i'll listen and help as much as i can, you just have to trust me"

Both women rambled on, using only one breath, a small chuckle was let out by them both when they finished.

"Go on Em, take your time. I'm listening"

Emily let out a breath she didn't know she was holding, a hand went up to her chest and she began telling JJ about how when she went undercover a year ago she was pregnant and lost the baby, she rambled on and on about how she wasn't fit to be a mother and this was punishment for her abortion at 15. After 10 minutes of talking, and taking very few breaths Emily looked up at JJ who she had been avoiding eye contact with the entire time she was speaking "so i'm telling you all this because i think i'm pregnant and... JJ.. i'm so scared" she broke down into JJ's arms and let out small sobs which were muffled by the light jumper JJ had on since it was now October.

"Em, i'm so sorry this happened to you and Hotch, but you have to know it wasn't your fault! you never meant for it to happen and hey, if you are pregnant you'll make a fantastic mom"

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