92 - Uzumaki's Family Vacation

Start from the beginning

"We've prepared you a room in the annex." - Lady

Everyone entered the room except the lady

"Please make yourselves at home" - The Lady said and closed the door

"Oh, steamed buns!" - Himawari

"Let me have some!" - (Y/N), grabbing one bun

"What a nice room!" - Hinata

"Yeah" - Naruto

"Let's have some tea" - Hinata pouring tea

"Well, it's really nice to do something like this, once in a while." - Naruto

"Right?" - Boruto

"Have a steamed bu-?!" - Himawari tried to offer Kawaki some steamed buns

But all buns are gone, and it's (Y/N) who obviously ate all the buns

"Nii-chan! HAHA, are you that hungry?" - Himawari

"What? You all dragged me here just after coming back from a mission. Obviously I'm hungry" - (Y/N)

"Oi, don't tell me. You only brought dango in your missions..." - Boruto

"Yeah!" - (Y/N)'s reply with a smiley face

"You're even proud about it" - Kawaki

"Anyway, we still have time before dinner, right?" - Boruto

"We do" - Hinata

"Since we're at a hot spring... We have to play ping pong!" - Boruto

They got everything ready, the table, ping pong balls and the paddle

"Why ping pong?" - Kawaki

"It's just something that you do. All right let's do triples!" - Boruto

"No referee?" - (Y/N)

"That's very easy to count!" - Boruto

"All right" - Naruto





"How did I end up in this team?!" - (Y/N) complains

"C'mon, were not gonna lose!" - Boruto

"We won't either" - Naruto

"If our serve, you guys don't mind if I go first?" - Boruto

"I do mind! Gimme the ball" - (Y/N)

"Ah, here we go again" - Naruto

"Nii-chan..." - Himawari

Both twins turn their head while fighting for the ball

Two scariest ladies, Hinata and Himawari

"Yes, Ma'am!" - Both says and let's go of the ball

"Then it's Kawaki's serve" - Naruto

"But-!" - (Y/N)

"Hey, how do you hold this thing?" - Kawaki

(Y/N) had enough of his team and gave up

"Eh, you've never played ping pong?!" - Boruto

"Up side down, bro. Can't you clearly see that handle?!" - (Y/N)

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