Flinging the door open, I walked down the stairs along with a couple other students. The wind flung around me and attempted to nip at my skin, causing goosebumps to spread along the skin under my sweatshirt. The weather was rapidly growing colder everyday, and I wasn't looking forward to walking or swinging home during a winter storm. Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I saw that I received an email from Stark Industries. After nearly dropping my phone on the cement from excitement, I tapped on the email and started reading the email.

"Dear Mr. Parker,

Your application for the Stark Industries Internship has been read through and carefully considered, and you should expect to receive a physical letter with your answer sometime after 3:30pm. If you have been denied, please do not try to contact our offices and wait to apply again until the next opportunity. If you're accepted, the letter will provide you with any information that you may need to begin your internship. If you have questions that the letter cannot answer, there will be a number provided that will connect you with our hardworking secretaries that will do their best to assist you.

Thank you for your interest in our company,

Friday - Tony Stark's A.I"

"Holy, shit." I stared at the well-written email that was written by something that wasn't even living. Unfortunately, it hadn't straight up told me if I was accepted or not but at least I had something to look forward to. Wait, what time is it? Staring at the numbers on my screen, I read 3:52. The mail usually arrived by 4, so if I skipped spiderman-ing tonight and ran home, I should be able to be there by the time it arrived. With a grin on my face, I began sprinting down the busy roads of Queen's and hoped for the best, even if MJ always said not to do that.

After narrowly missing barreling an old man into the ground, I arrived at the apartment and quickly walked over to the mailbox compartments. Since the building was so old, and frankly everyone here was dirt poor, no one really wanted to steal from us. So, therefore, a key wasn't required to access our mail. Anyone could walk up and take whatever they wanted from anyone.

Opening up the tiny metal latch, I noticed there was nothing inside except maybe some dirt and cobwebs. Sighing, I decided to stick around and hope it would arrive soon. Pulling out my phone to glance at the time, I noticed I had ten new messages, including some from a few unknown numbers.

New Conversation created by Ms Nat :)

Antonio's Pizza, Green Tea, and +9 others

:Antonio's Pizza>



:Ms Nat :)>

What's wrong 'Toni'? :)>

You're acting like we just found out a deep

dark secret..>

:Antonio's Pizza>

I swear to god.>

:Unknown Number #1>


:Unknown Number #2>

You guys seriously had to interrupt my wonderful

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