I spent the next few hours reading a book about this kingdom and some of its rules. I think they purposedly left this here for tourist's guide.

And it is amazing how this kingdom is unbeatable. It has always been first in power for ages and they're never overthrown especially during the beginning of the reign of the most feared and respected king of Zeviera yet, King Taeyang. I didnt know they're also Korean here. The name sounds Korean to me.

His rule ended any attempt of anyone to overthrow the throne, it amazes me at the same time, I wanna know.

Truth is, I have always been fascinated by how rulers rule and what are they thinking and how are they doing that. And in this kingdom where the rule is by blood and not by decisions of the people, how are they making the rules? I have a lot of questions but it has no answer. What if I try to ask some locals here when we go out ? Yeah, I should try that.

"You didn't sleep did you?"

I jumped at the voice behind me before I glared at Heeseung who just woke up.

"I am reading the rules in here. I can't afford to be arrested all of a sudden"

"Makes sense. .  so what does it say? What should we not do?"

"Well the thing that will put you into trouble is doing anything that can harm the kingdom and its people. .  I will just go wash up because I'm excited to tour"


After we all got ready to leave, I pulled out the map because apparently, Google maps cannot reach this place.

I still wonder what the royalties look like in real life and the princes as well. I haven't seen any pictures of them anywhere.

"Why don't we visit the stadium first? That is where the competition will take place"

"And it's closer. . Heeseung hyung, did you bring our passes?"

Immediately, Heeseung brought it out of his pocket and began to drive. The stadium is not that far from here and as we drove by the streets, I already can tell who are the locals and the tourists here, how? Of course, tourists have this huge cameras with all their phones out taking photos here and there and you can see how the locals are all natural with how they walk around, how they just are used to everything they see.

We entered the stadium and I was immediately stunned by the cooking station for the competition. It's like MasterChef but bigger, and I immediately saw my name on one of them which is so unbelievable.

"Uhm, I think we should go check on the station to make sure we're not missing anything"

We inspected the equipment and I can say, I'm so close to crying right now because these are all high quality. I can not believe I am cooking in one of these right now because it is totally unbelievable.

"Sim Jaeyun. . . what a surprise. . how many pastries and baked goods have you send to be here?"

Oh great, the one I don't wanna cross paths with. Of course he'd be here. His family has been in the baking industry for years and they're always invited here and of course, he has to represent them this time.

"Hey . . . it's nice to see you here, Jangku and I guess it's us again"

[I'm running out of names😂😂]

"FYI, we won the competition last year and we're back for the third time and we'll break the record. ."

"That's great. . . congratulations"

The Switch (JakeHoon&HeeJake)Where stories live. Discover now