3: Stark Expo

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9 Years Later

"Rogers, Steven."

"It kinda makes you think twice about enlisting, huh?" the man sitting next to Steve asked.

"Nope," Steve bluntly replied, walking away.

"Rogers." The man at the desk said looking up from his papers at the scrawny man in front of him. "What did your father die of?"

"Mustard gas. He was in the 107th Infantry. I was hoping I could be assigned-"

"Your mother?" The man cut him off.

"She was a nurse in a TB ward. Got hit, couldn't shake it."

The man looked down at the sheet on his table. It was the list of all of Steve's health issues. There were 12 things on the list.                                                                                                                                        "Sorry son."

"Look, just give me a chance."

"You'd be illegible on your asthma alone."

"Is there anything you can do?" Steve asked hopefully.

The man reached for a stamp and said, "Im doing it. Im saving your life." He stamped the box on the paper and handed it back to Steve. And just like that, Steve was rejected yet again. I thought they were desperate for men to fight. I could help them out there, he said to himself as he walked off.


"Who cares!"

Steve looked at the man shouting at the screen in the movie theatre.

"Play the movie already!"

"Hey, you wanna show some respect?" Steve said, barely over a whisper.

"Lets go, get on with it!"

Steve snapped. "Hey, wanna shut up!"

The man turned around to look at Steve, stood up, grabbed Steve by the wrist and dragged him outside into a alley. He punched Steve across the face and he fell into some trash cans behind him. He picked up the trash can lid and held it up, only for it to be ripped from his hands yet again. Steve wouldn't give up.

"I can do this all day," Steve panted and threw a punch. Of course the man caught the punch and hit Steve yet again.

"Hey. Pick on someone your own size." Bucky said. He punched the man and then Tommo appeared and kicked him away. Just like they had done all those years ago when they first found Steve getting beat up by Collin in that alleyway outside of thier school. Tommo heard that Collin became MIA a few days ago, broke his poor mothers heart. He had a kid as well. Tommo couldnt help but feel sorry for him. That was the reality of war. The war that he and Bucky were about to walk blindly into. Anyway, that was besides the point.

"Sometimes I think you like getting punched."

"I had him on the ropes Buck."

"Sure you did Stevie," Tommo snickered, ruffling Steve's hair.

Bucky picked up a piece of paper. "How many times is this? Oh you're from Paramus now?"

"Jersey? Seriously Steve?" Tommo added on. "Its illegal to lie on your enlistment form y' know."

"You get your orders?" Steve asked, changing the subject.

"The 107th. Sergeant James Barnes and Staff Sergeant George Barnes, shipping out for England 1st thing tomorrow." Bucky answered.

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