7: Its Okay

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Tommo woke to the sound of distant gunshots around him. He assumed that it was one of the battles that another troop was dealing with. It was always like that at night. You were always able to hear some form of fighting going on. Whether it be gunshots or other soldiers fighting over whose lighter was being used.

But then he remembered what had happened. They were taken hostage. Trapped against their will. Him and Bucky were tested on. Bucky. Where was Bucky? Where was he? Why does it feel like he's moving. Why does his head hurt?

All of these questions swarmed Tommo's mind and it all became too much to handle. He opened his eyes and when he realised that he couldn't see anything, he began to thrash his arms and legs in an attempt to get out of wherever he was.

There was practically no room whatsoever. It was pitch black.

That was when he realised that he must be in the trunk of a car. It was the only explanation. Why was he in a trunk? What on Gods green earth happened?

He agin tried to bang on the sides but he felt a sharp pain running through his left arm. He felt around and noticed that his right hand was covered in some liquid. Blood. Great. He thought to himself. He had a headache and was nursing a bullet wound, all while being in the back of some guys car. Is this how they kill me? He asked himself.

What possessed him to jump at all those soldiers a few days before? The ones with the crazy weird guns that turn people to dust. Maybe if he hadn't done that, his troops would've had a better chance of survival. And Bucky would be ok and safe. Not held by those evil doctors.

He could've done more. He should've done more. If he was a better leader, the men would have made it back to base.

All of a sudden, the car came to a halt and Tommo heard some talking outside. The sound grew louder until it was right next to him. They were speaking german. Very thick, strong accents.

At that, the door began to open and light began to spill into the small area. Three figures stood before him. One extremely short looking man with round glasses. The doctor! It was the doctor from that german prison place. The guy with the syringe full of blue liquid.

Tommo then looked at the other two men.  One was holding a gun in one hand and a baton strapped to his waist and he other had ....... a red face. No not even a red face. A red skull. He had no nose or ears. He wore a all black jacket with a logo across the shoulder.

"What the actual fuck," Tommo murmerd looking at the man.

"Hello to you too Sergeant," the red skulled guy said in a rather creepy voice.

"Staff Sergeant actually," Tommo corrected him. The 'man' looked at him confused.

"What do you mean 'Staff Sergeant'?"

"I mean that I'm a staff sergeant not a sergeant skull face. I thought that was pretty clear."

"Don't act smart with me boy! Stand up!" Tommo could see the rage slowly building on the germans face. It was very amusing.

Tommo tried to get out of the trunk but his head was really paining him, along with his arm. The man standing alongside the doctor and skull face grabbed him by his wound which caused Tommo to scream in pain.

Hearing this, the soldier hit Tommo across the head. This caused Tommo to collapse to the floor. More soldiers can rushing over and they began to collectively drag his limp body across the muddy ground.

They dragged him all the way inside a large gloomy building where many men were running around in lab coats. Some stopped to stare at him, only to be ordered to get back to work.

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