Chapter 28

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A few days after the cast party and I was back on set. It was later in the afternoon and I was almost done having lunch with Lili.
"So what do you think Kj and his girlfriend were arguing about?" She gossips well putting a green grape into her mouth.
"I have no idea." I respond, and I honestly had no idea.
"He seems like he's been a little off since he's come back." Lili continued.
"He's barley said a word to me since we started filming." I told Lili I could tell by her facially expression she was curious as to why because Kj and I had to work together quiet often.
"Weird." She says as she pops another grape into her mouth.
"Hey Lili we need you on set." Roberto said as he swung open the door to the lunch area.
Lili packed up her grapes and made her way out of the lunch room.
"Goodluck!" I chimed before she walked out the door.
I sat in silence for a bit enjoying my pear until I heard the lunch door open and in walked Kj. As he walked in he went over to pour himself some water without even acknowledging my presence like he did the night of the cast party at the bar. The room was completely silent except for the sound of him chugging a cup of water. I debated saying something but I had no idea what to say so I turned in my chair to face him. He stopped drinking his water and looked around as if maybe I had turned around to face someone else in the lunch room but we were clearly the only two people in the room.
He put his cup up to his mouth and continued to drink his water.
I kept staring at him with confusion on my face until he finally broke the silence.
"What?" He said in almost a rude manner, as if he didn't think his behaviour was strange.
"Are you okay?" I asked Kj with a little sarcasm in my tone.
"Ya... are you okay?" He asked me almost like he was mocking me.
"Ya.." I responded still super confused I had no idea what was going through his mind and why he was being so rude but I decided to not let it bother me. I decided to pack up my lunch and go hang out somewhere else so I could enjoy my pear in an environment that wasn't so negative.
"Cami," Kj spoke before I exited the room I was hoping to get an explanation for the way he had been acting but instead he says "you forgot your phone on the table."
I walk back to grab my phone while giving him a glare before I exit the lunch area and make my way outside.
It was a beautiful day out anyway and I need some sunshine after being around Kj and his misery almost seemed contagious. I took a walk around set admiring the weather and fresh air. I noticed a group of people with Roberto and it looked as if they were touring the set. Roberto noticed me in the distance and motioned for me to come over.
"Perfect timing Camila, everyone this is Camila she plays Veronica as you probably already know." I waved at the group of about 8 people.
"Camila these people are big fans of the show." Roberto told me.
"Well it's awesome to meet you guys we would not be doing what we do without you guys!" I exclaimed. They were a very interesting group of people. It ranged from a younger girl with braces and braided pig tails wearing a Riverdale t shirt, to an older guy wearing a navy blue hat and a navy t shirt to match. It intrigued me too see all the different people who had at least one thing in common, there love for Riverdale.
"Hey Cami you think you could go show them where the trailers are I'm needed inside for a few minutes." Roberto asked me. I wasn't really cut out as a tour guide but I'd give it my best shot.
"Ya sure." I answered as Roberto thanked me and ran off inside.
"Well the trailers are this way!" I exclaimed as everyone followed me. We made our way towards the trailers and once we got there I see Kj walking towards his trailer he noticed me and gazed at me the entire time until he made his way into the trailer the same gaze we had exchanged the night of the cast party.
"Was that Kj!" One of the fans exclaimed.
"It was indeed a wild Kj." I joked
"Can we please meet him." They insisted.
I had no idea what to say I didn't want to be rude to them and say no but I also didn't want Kj to be rude to me.
"Meet who?" Kj popped up from behind me.
The ladies in the group began to fangirl at the sight of Kj. "It's amazing to meet you all, I love meeting fans, it really warms my heart." Kj gushed. You've got to be kidding me... I thought to myself, is this the same guy I just spoke to in the lunch area? Couldn't be.
"These girls must be excited but meeting Cami definitely beats meeting you." The guy in the navy hat spoke. My eyes widened by the man's comment I couldn't believe he just said that to Kj, and Kj couldn't believe it either based on the look upon his face.
"Well I better get back to set but enjoy the rest of your tour." Kj said completely ignoring what the man had said to him. As Kj took off Roberto came running back towards us.
"Thanks a lot Cami but I can take it from here."
"Oh no problem it was a pleasure meeting you all!" I waved as I started walking back to set.
"It was a pleasure meeting you as well Cami." The guy in the navy hat responded.
Hm he is kind of a strange guy I thought to myself.

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