Chapter 33

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Cami pov
A week of filming went by and I had been enjoying spending time with Charles, at times I still found myself missing filming with Kj. Kj and I would text and call quite often and sometimes even see each other during breaks. Every time he was gone I could always find him on my mind, but Clara was still his girlfriend and to me that was a clear sign that I needed to steer my feelings away from Kj. So I decided I needed to distance myself, the phone calls, the texts, the lunch breaks it all needed to stop. I knew I couldn't just cut him off completely, I still wanted him as a friend but it was going to take sometime for my feelings to adjust.
It was a Saturday evening and I decided I wanted to stay in for the weekend, after what happened prior I knew I had to take it easy or I wouldn't be so lucky next time.
I sat out on Lili and I's balcony/patio admiring the view while debating on what I was going to make for dinner tonight. My thoughts were interrupted by my phone buzzing on the table, as I glanced over I noticed the caller ID said Kj. Oh boy, I silenced my ringer and continued to stare out off the balcony before something in me caved and I picked up my phone as fast as I could to hit answer.
"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.
"Hey Cami." I noticed a smile on my face start to grow from Kj saying my name and immediately wiped it off my face.
"Hey Kj." I responded. "What're you up too?" I asked him.
"I'm just trying to find something to make right now, what's up with you?" He responded.
"Funny you say that cause I'm doing the exact same thing right now." I laughed.
"Really? Well why don't we just go out somewhere get dinner or something?" Kj offered and as much as I wanted to take the offer I knew I couldn't.
I couldn't possibly go out for dinner without it feeling like a date and unless he's single there was no way that was happening.
"Oh I actually wasn't planning on going out this weekend, I wanted to keep it low-key cause of what happened last weekend." I explained to him.
"Well what were you planning on doing this evening?" He asked me.
"I don't know maybe just go for a walk or something." I responded.
"Well how about this, we go for a walk, maybe stop at a food truck along the way and then I'll walk you back home?" I paused for a second trying to figure out what I could say but how could I say no.
"Well, alright we can do that." I finally responded. Man I needed to learn a little more self control but it was just a little walk, no harm done right?
Knock knock
It was him, Kj was here. I jumped up and made my way towards the door I could feel the nerves in my body start to act up. I grabbed the door knob and before i knew it there was Kj standing right infront of me.
"Hey Kj I'm just going to grab my wallet I'll be one second." I said as I turned around.
"No need come on let's go." Kj reached in and grabbed my hand turning me back around and guiding me out the door. My hand tingled from the feeling of his hand wrapped in mine, but it only lasted for a couple of seconds well I walked out the door, low key wishing it would last longer.
I locked my door and we began to make our way down the street. Our conversation was pretty platonic for the most part, we talked about how our days went, what our filming schedules were like and we joked around here and there. Kj and I walked for an hour before we noticed how far we were from my place, we came across a food truck and decided to stop and get some hot dogs.
"These hot dogs are huge." I laughed as we got our food.
"You gonna be able to handle all that Cami." Kj laughed.
"Ew, you better not be making inappropriate jokes while we are eating." I told Kj.
"Don't be so dirty minded Cami, wasn't dirty until you made it dirty." Kj teased me. Was he flirting with me? I loved it yet I hated it. It was addicting yet I hated how confused it made me feel.
We continued walking but didn't make it too far before I ran into a man and dropped my hot dog on the ground.
"My hot dog!" I pouted.
"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry are you okay?" The man asked.
"Ya I'm okay, but my hot dog isn't." I joked with the man, it really wasn't that big of a deal.
"Let me go buy you another one." He offered.
"Oh no you don't have to do that really it's okay." I tried to reassure the man.
"No I want too I'll be right back." He persisted and ran towards the hot dog truck.
"I knew you couldn't handle all that hot dog." Kj smiled and laughed.
"Oh shut up, or next it'll be your hotdog on the ground." I warned him teasingly.
"Touch my hotdog see what happens."
"Kj!" I exclaimed. "Stop taking about your hotdog there are children around!" I laughed.
The man came back over and handed me a new hotdog.
"Thank you so much you really didn't have to do that!" I said gratefully analyzing the man's face a bit better.
"Oh no problem really." He assured me.
"Hey you look really familiar, do we know each other?" I asked him trying to pin point where I've seen his face before.
"I get that a lot people say I have one of those recognizable faces." He explained but I could've sworn I've seen this man before.
"Well thank you for the hotdog again." I said before parting ways with him.
Kj and I continued walking and arrived at a beach. We walked towards the pier and stared out at the water, the sun was beginning to set and the sky was filled with the most beautiful colours. Pink, red and purple the view took my breath away we stood there in silence both admiring the sunset, a few minutes went by and I turned to look at Kj to find he was already looking at me, I wondered how long he had been watching me for.
I wanted him to kiss me, that would've made this moment perfect but I couldn't get my mind off of Clara and that ruined it for me.
"So how are things with Clara?" I asked him as I turned my head back toward the sunset.
"Eh there okay, I uh kinda started to distance myself a bit from her and I think she noticed." He answered and I was curious to know more.
"What do you mean? How did she notice?" I replied.
"She's just been giving me more space. I think me keeping my distance is starting to worry her."
"Worry her how?" I continued to pry.
"Worry her like I'm going to leave her worry her." Kj confirmed. I turned my head so that I was now facing him again.
"Well why don't you?" I asked as we looked each other in the eyes.
"I don't know, it's not that easy I guess." He answered now he was turning his head to face the sunset.
"Well what's not easy about it?" I asked confused. Why couldn't he leave her? What was so hard about it?
"It's just, it's complicated Cami."
"What's so complicated about it?"
"It just is I don't know, what about you huh?"
"What about me?" I asked looking confused.
"Why aren't you with anyone?" Of course he had to ask me that question, because I want to be with you and you are with someone else. Is what I wanted to say.
"I just, I don't know it's complicated." I said mocking him.
"Well you understand where I'm coming from." Kj said sarcastically.
"Actually I don't since our situations are pretty much the opposite." I informed him.
"I just, I don't know if I want to leave her yet I don't know if it's the right thing to do." He confessed, I'll admit I was a little hurt by his answer, he didn't know if he wanted to leave her, how could he not know.
"Yea... I guess I don't know if I want to be with someone yet." I lied, I did want to be with someone I wanted to be with him but now I really wasn't sure he wanted to be with me.
"Are you okay Cams?" Kj must've saw the change in my facial expression.
"Ya but we should probably start walking back now. It's going to be dark soon." I turned around and began walking back down the pier.
"Cami," Kj said grabbing my arm and turning me towards him. He placed his other hand beside my face brushing my hair back behind my ear. I felt electricity run through my veins from his touch, my body wanted to melt as our eyes stayed connected for a few moments. It was going to happen I thought to myself, Kj was going to kiss me until finally he spoke.
"Don't be so hard on yourself, your an amazing woman anyone would be lucky to have you." His hand dropped from behind my ear and I began to feel embarrassed. "Now let's go before it's gets too dark." Kj said as we started to make our way down the pier.

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