Chapter 9

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Camila's pov
My heart broke as I witnessed Hayley kiss Kj. I knew we weren't together but he made me feel like there was something there... Now I wasn't so sure.
I watched her lips connect to his and I immediately got out of there. I went as fast as I could to the back of the bar down a tight stair case to where the bathrooms were located.
I almost fell down the stairs and stumbled into the stall.
I sat in the bathroom angry and drunk, trying to figure out what I should do. I wanted to leave but I didn't want Hayley to think she won whatever we were arguing about and I didn't want Kj to think I was phased by the kiss.
Come on Cami think, what could I do to. I sat for awhile longer until an idea came up into my head. If Hayley and Kj thought it was okay to do that then it shouldn't be a problem if I kiss Charles. That's what I am going to do, I am going to kiss Charles.
I walked out of the bathroom and right when I was about to turn right to go up the stairs someone had bumped into to me.
"I've been looking for you." I looked up to find the last person I'd ever thought I'd see here.
"What are you doing here?" I questioned him.
"Are you drunk?" He looked at me in the eyes.
"I'm fucking wasted now what are you doing here?" I said carelessly and angrily.
"For fuck sakes Camila." Ian was pissed but I didn't give a shit.
"Get out of my way, I have somewhere to be." I tried to walk past him but he had blocked my path. "Ian move!" I yelled.
"Hell no you are coming with me." I panicked and tried to run back into the girls bathroom but he grabbed my arm and started pulling me. "You are coming with me." Ian's voice was quiet but angry.
"I don't want to I'm staying here!" I resisted his pull.
"Camila I swear to god if you don't-"
Kj's pov
"Kj I thought you wanted too!" Hayley followed me.
"Look Hayley I'm sorry if I made you feel like I was leading you on or something but I don't like you like that." I walked away kinda pissed off and tried to find Cami. I had no luck so I went to ask some of the cast if they had seen her around.
"Hey Lili have you seen Cami anywhere?" I asked her.
"Uh the last time I saw her was when she was down stairs near the bathrooms talking to her boyfriend." Lili said. Her boyfriend? Cami doesn't have a boyfriend?
"What boyfriend?"
"Duh Ian." I forgot she hadn't told to many people about the break up yet. But what was Ian doing here?
I made my way towards the staircase and I could hear yelling.
"Stop! Let go of me!" It was Cami yelling and my heart sunk. She was in trouble.
"Let's go you little bitc- "
"What the hell is going on here?" I cut him off and saw Cami was crying.
"Never mind we were just leaving." Ian grabbed Cami and tried pulling her to the back exit.
"Well I'm not going to never mind because clearly she doesn't want to go with you." I grabbed her other arm and pulled her behind me.
"This is bullshit, Camila get over here!" Ian reached out and grabbed her I immediately pushed him off of her.
"I think it would be best if you left, I don't want to have to cause a scene and have security throw you out, but if you aren't going to cooperate then that's what I'm going to do." Ian muttered and walked up the stairs to leave the bar and Cami was quick to hug me. She wrapped her arms around my torso and I wrapped mine around her upper back protectively.
"Are you alright Cami?" We broke the hug and she tried to speak.
"I don't even know Kj, I don't even know what the fuck I'm doing." She tried to walk but kept tipping over.
"Let's go out the back door." Cami followed me and held my arm to keep her balance. I opened the back door and we made our best effort to walk to the hotel.
"Ugh" Cami stopped walking and sat down.
"Cams what are you doing? Stand up." I tried to pull her up but she wouldn't budge.
"No my feet hurt." She pouted. She looked up at me shyly before speaking again. "Carry me Kj." She begged, and of course how could I say no.
I bent down and tucked one arm under her legs and the other under her arms. Cami wrapped her arms around my neck and I lifted her up and started walking again.
"I don't feel well." She whined.
"Cami you drank too much."
"Why does everyone keep saying that?" I laughed at her response she was cute sober and she was cute drunk.
We made it to the hotel and I carried her up to her room.
"Stay for a bit." She bit her bottom lip and it felt as if I was put under a spell. I followed her into the room and closed the door behind me.
The hotel room was identical to mine so I didn't have much trouble figuring out where everything was.
"You seemed to be having fun.." Cami said while leaning her back against a table.
"Yeah it was alright." I started to walk closer to her and she didn't move an inch.
"Especially with Hayley..." She trailed off. Oh no how was I going to make it up to her. I had an idea, I put both my hands on the table trapping her in the middle. I leaned my head down so our lips were inches apart, I moved my head past hers and gently spoke into her ear with a husky voice. "You jealous Cami?"
"If anything she should be jealous." She whispered back. I was kind of confused but I played along.
"And why's that?" I asked her we were still in the same position our bodies almost pressed together.
"Because your in my hotel room and not hers." Good one Cami. "If you don't mind I'd like to get a glass of water." She tried to move.
"Why? Are you thirsty?" I smirked at her and waited for her response.
Cami put her hands on my arms and slid them up to my neck. She leaned her body onto mine and I placed my hands on her waist. My body felt numb and the sexual tension between us could've been cut with a knife. She brought her face up close to mine and when she leaned in the next thing I know she spun and walked right into the kitchen.
"Now that was mean." I looked at her with lust in my eyes.
"I told you I wanted a glass of water." Her voice was sarcastic and she walked towards the bed.
"Now, we have a long night ahead of us don't we Kj.."

Where do we go from here?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang