Chapter 30

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Cami pov.
"You took quite the tumble there huh Cami?" Kj laughed. As he helped me up off the floor onto the couch, taking a seat beside me. It was nice to see Kj laugh, its been awhile since I seen him laugh.
"I can't believe I just did that!" tears started to form in my eyes from how hard I been laughing.
"I can't believe I just saw that!" Kj on the verge of tears as well. Our laughter started to die down a bit and Kj spoke again, "but really Cami, what are you doing here?" He spoke in a calmly matter, the calmest I've heard him since we got back to filming.
"I came to say sorry!" I admitted to him trying to pull myself back into a more serious tone but failing miserably.
The look on his face changed, it's was a look of guilt almost as if he didn't think I had a reason to be sorry, and maybe I didn't I had only been rude to him earlier because of the way he had been acting towards me but I shouldn't have stooped to his level.
"For what?" He said calmly again.
"For being-" I snapped my fingers twice across his face, "-sassy!" I finished saying and we both started laughing again.
"You honestly don't need to apologize Cami, I should be the one saying sorry. But thank you for coming here, and falling on my floor." Our laughter filled the room once again still not able to get over what I had just done moments before.
"Hey I meant to do that!" I teased sarcastically.
"Oh would you mind showing me again?" Kj teased back with a smile, he had the most handsome smile.
"Kj, that was one of my top secret moves, your lucky you got to see that, even once!" I responded to his playful teasing.
"Oh right, right yes of course!" He said agreeing with me in a sarcastic manner. The jokes started to calm down a bit and I began to remember the other reason why I wanted to come here, to apologize but to also find out what was going on. I felt bad for Kj it seemed as if he was dealing with something and had no one to talk to about it. We had a long history but we've always been able to talk and keep each other's secrets.
"Kj I actually wanted to talk to you about something else..." I began. His expression changed to a more worried look.
"Uh oh..." he said nervously.
"It's nothing bad!" I assured him. "I just want to know what going on? You don't have to tell me but you know you can. Sometimes it feels good to just get it off your chest, you know?" I said and he could tell I was worried and I genuinely wanted to be there for him.
"Ugh Cami... I don't even know where to start." He confessed.
"Start anywhere Kj, I'll just sit back and listen." I told him as I sat back against the couch waiting for him to begin.
"It's just, it's me and Clara non stop fighting!" He finally admit, I tried not to look too surprised but to be honest I really wasn't, after the fight Lili and I saw at the cast party I figured it had something to do with her.
"About what?" I questioned.
"About my job, about my coworkers, about you." He stated. Woah, woah, woah, about me? What the heck did I do!
"About me? Very interesting." I said trying not to make it sound like I cared too much.
"She's jealous of Archie and Veronica." He continued to confess.
"Well Archie and Veronica have been going on a lot longer then you and Clara have." I told him.
"Exactly!! She knew we were together onscreen before I even started dating her!" I could tell it felt good for Kj to have someone who agreed with him.
"So what're you going to do?" I asked.
"God I don't know, she calls me 20 times a day to yell at me and keeps me up all night on the phone with her until we've calmed things down. Then another episode airs and she's calling me 20 times a day again yelling at me, and every time I bring her out to Vancouver she has a miserable time and constantly picks fights with me. So now she only wants me to go and visit her but I rarely have the time too. And every time we have a cast event and I go with out her she loses her mind even though if she was there she would lose her mind anyway!" Kj ranted, and boy did he rant. "I have to turn my phone off just to get away from it."
"Oh Kj, no wonder your so stressed out! I wish I could say something that would actually help you." I put my hand on Kj's shoulder gently rubbing up and down.
"You don't need to say anything Cami, watching you wipe out was help enough." He joked. We sat for a bit longer as I let him rant some more. I missed this I missed him, maybe it was just the alcohol or maybe it was the alcohol that gave me the courage to come all the way over here and actually talk to Kj. I didn't know but I did know that all those feelings that I had swept under the rug were beginning to surface again. His warm brown eyes, his muscular build and his smile, oh he had a killer smile and every time he flashed it I knew I was done for. A couple hours went by and I knew I had to get out of there before I confessed anyway that I was feeling towards Kj.
"I should get going now Kj." I told him sweetly as I made my way off the couch and over towards the door.
"Cami let me drive you home." He insisted.
"It's the least I can do, I mean you did almost break your neck when you got here." He joked.
"You're never going to let me live that down huh?" I laughed.
"Ya probably not." He smiled grabbing his keys.
We made our way out the door into the car and back to my house.
When we finally arrived I turned to face Kj in his car. "Thank you for driving me."
"Thank you for coming. Goodnight Cami." He smiled.
"Goodnight Kj."

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