Beyond Compression

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"You have power brat! I'll give you that. But I am still your superior." He hissed at the blonde male who appeared before him, trying to strike with a kunai covered in Lava Realse, though he grabbed his arm and through him over his shoulder, though he didn't realise the tag on his shoulder, so Izuku reappeared, kicking him square in the face.

"If your so strong, then prove it to me." A smile appeared around Hanshiki's face, before he placed his hands on the ground.

"Deconstruction Release." He said silently, before the whole city became enveloped in a black substance and broke down. "Repurpose." All the material came together, becoming a huge truth seeker orb.

"Shit." Izuku quickly said, using all of his own to match the size and counter act it. Though left himself open, with Hanshiki using his Devil Eye. An eye that he has yet to show it's ablities.

"Kaosukurō" He muttered, low enough so his opponent wouldn't hear. Hanashiki was different to his clan due to him actually learning other species way of using chakra and creating his own variants.

Has Izuku looked back at his opponent, chest was slashed through his cloak and blood flew out and his wound didn't heal. He looked shocked but Hanashiki smirked.

"My chakra is different to Kaguya's. In every sense evil in your human ways." He boasted with glee, "Mine completely shatters others and ruins networks. My brother lost the ability to use his Byakugan due to me." He seemed really proud at his work when saying it as Izuku deadpaned.

"Your obsession with your brother is weird."
"What brat!?"
"Well first Mum-"

Hanashiki just floated their for a second before shaking his head, "How many kids did she have here?"

"No I have the chakra of her sons, also her grandsons. I met her a like week ago."


"Wait so your saying that I created the divine tree in my mind and Kaguya has a link to me now?" Izuku asked with a confused smile. Hagoromo sighed while Hamura chased a butterfly, Ashura was too busy pestering Indra who in turn ran a fist across his face.

"Pretty much." Was all Hagoromo said, seeing Izuku blink he sighed, "You know the Juubi was used to reborn Kaguya through Madara?" Izuku nodded quickly. "Well she was able to produce a connection. So at anytime she could summon you to a place to talk. Behave though, she would probably kill you."

"She can't be that bad."
"Yes, she's worse."
"She sacrificed my girlfriend to a tree."
"... that's pretty messed up."
"There is no amount of therapy I can have that can get those out of memories out of mind. Especially when I awakened my Sharingan and accidentally engraved into my memory."

"Crazy alien milf rabbit lady." Was all Izuku said, though for some reason his surroundings changed. He blinked before sensing a ominous arua from behind him. He slowly looked back to see a women staring him down with her Byakugan.

She looked at him for a few seconds before speaking, "What did you call me?" Was all she asked, seeing him laugh nervously.

"Let's not worry about that, shall we?" He asked, feeling the area become heavy. He reached her hand out and placed a hand on his cheek. She looked dead serious before tears fell from her eyes.

"Hagoromo, Hamura." Was all she said. He looked around in the awkward moment. "Indra, Ashura." He made his eyes do a perfect imitation of wheel. "I will kill you." She muttered, stopped crying and a bone came out of her.

"Wait wait wait!" He said quickly. "I'm Izuku! Izuku Yagi at your service!" He said with a huge smile. She blinked for a few seconds before the bone returned.

"But then they reside in you."
"That sounds dirty."
"I hope you don't mean anything disgusting."
"Your not my mum."

She then smacked him on the head. He was shocked and she then looked into his memories to see what happened. To say she was shocked was an understatement.

"Why can humans be so cruel?" Was all she said.

"Well you did try to kill your sons, sacrifice your eldest son's own girlfriend to a tree and forced him to kill his brother." Kaguya simply blinked before she let our a groan.

"You also went up to my ex and said you banged his daughter?" She stated with a neutral face.

"Well your ex is a huge ass. He hurt his own daughter for being better person then he was." Kaguya hummed. She didn't feel the anger anymore and felt bored after the amount of time being sealed for the second time. In all honesty, she was very bored.

"Then you shall call me your mother." Izuku was stunned for a second. He believed he was currently in a Genjutsu from his brothers to punish him. "What's wrong?"

"This is real..." He looked at her for a second before deciding one test. "What do you think my favorite colour is?"

"I think you like violet." Izuku blinked and went to another question.

"My favorite food!?"

"Ramen or possiblly katsudan." She replied causally as a tear formed in his eye.



"You can be my mom!!! Your already better then my biological!" She ruffled his hair before hugging him. Izuku didn't know how to speak at the moment. A mother. The one thing he hate the sound of, having to remember her. But she spoke to him and said hn. She had to be a good mother. Expect if she sacrifices Kayune to a tree, then there would be issues.

"There there Izu. I will not sacrifice her to a tree."

"How did you know?"

"I transported you someone while technically being in your mind still." Izuku sighed at and sat down.

"If I look at the family tree, Alabama would be proud."


"You know, trying to be a villian here!" Hanshiki shouted, pissed at being ignored until he started to hear main character theme. "Oh no."

"It's time to get a little HNNNNN!!!!!" Before Hanshiki could respond, he was sent to space, before spiwrling into Mars and then some ending up on Jupiter.

Hanshiki couldn't believe it before seeing Izuku above him, he tried to get him, but well. Before his eyes widened in pure fear. Izuku had his hands together.

"Hidden Leaf Jutsu: THOUSAND YEARS OF DEATH!!" Hanshiki screamed to a heaven above heaven.

In heaven:

Kakashi was looking with pride as Guy was screaming about how hip and cool he was.

Back to the "fight":

"Is it weird to say I have penetrated both father and daughter now?" He asked himself and his enemy was running circles into the ground.

"WHAT EVIL, SADISTIC, ASSHOLE WOULD CREATE SUCH A MOVE!!" He screamed before seeing Izuku above him. "Okay! You win."

"Not being fooled. By the way, for even fucking daring to try and murder Kayune. You better hope hell has five extra hells." He said, before launching his hand in the air, using all elements to form a fist. Then portals formed around Hanshiki as he looked shocked. Izuku thought while smiling "Hope you don't mind dad."


Here and example of what it looks like:

He was fucked.

Sorry guys for not updating in a while. Real life shit

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