rebuilding broken bonds and birthday

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Izuku looked at the old lady with eyes that were like sources. He was in UA, the place of his dreams, the school he wanted to get into. Of course he mumbled that all out, but noticed a skeleton, blonde man asleep next to him.

"Kid you she been out for five days. You seemed to have awakened a quirk that I can't identify, or any tech for that matter" Recovery Girl told him but noticed his gaze on Toshinori "he has been there since you were out in. He is worried about you" she gently told him, while Izuku tried to figure who he could be.

Izuku was looking at his features but what stood out was his blonde hair, the same colour his was before Hagoromo found him.

Izuku heard said skeleton finally get up and look around, as Izuku noticed the blue eyes. The blonde haired man looked at him and smiled gently.

"Hey kid. Your finally up" he added a smile to the end of his sentence.

"Not to be rude sir, but who are you?" He softly asked and the old man got up and went infornt if his bed.

"Who am I, you ask?" He then buffed up and All Might stood before the blonde boy in all his glory "NO NEED TO ASK, BECAUSE I AM HERE!" He said in his booming voice as Izuku's eyes widened and he grew a smile, as his inner fanboy came out.

"Oh my god your All Might!? What are you doing here? How long have you been here? Was that really your true identity? Why-" he was gently tapped on the head by the old lady, Izuku realising he mumbled again "umm sorry" he said with embarrassment and the hero chuckled.

"NO NEED YOUNG YAGI TO CARE, I ACTUALLY FIND IT NICE TO LISTEN EXCEPT IT IS HARD TO FOLLOW!" He told him with a thumbs up. Izuku smiled and tried to get out of his bed, but his body wasn't really ready for the drastic changes it had to take to comply with his training.

Izuku nearly fell but was stopped by All Might, who had concern written on his face. Izuku held onto All Might for support.

"YOUNG YAGI, YOU SHOULD TRY TO GET MORE REST" the number one told Izuku who smiled at the hero and sat down on the bed.

"Sorry All Might, I didn't realize that body is still changing. Also can I ask you a question?"


"Should I know you?" This question made the hero be shocked and he scratched the back of his neck.



"YOUNG YAGI. THE REASON WHY IS BECAUSE I AM YOUR DAD" Izuku looked on in pure shock as the hero wrapped his arms around him "I'M SORRY SON. IF I KNEW WHAT INKO WOULD OF DONE THEN I WOULD OF TRUSTED YOU WITH SOMEONE ELSE" his eyes had regret hovering over them and Izuku just kindly smiled.

"It's alright. Your the number one hero, it would only make sense that you want to protect your family. You kept away so we would be safe. I don't know what a dad would do, as I am not one myself, but if I was, then I would do the same if I was in your position" All Might looked shocked at his intelligence but chuckled.


"Dad" the name made All Mights heart warm up "what's going to happen now?"

"EASY. YOU WILL LIVE WITH ME AND WE TRAIN YOU TO BECOME THE NEXT NUMBER ONE HERO!" He told his son who looked up with a bright smile plastered on his face.

"Yeah, I will become the next number one hero and then I will protect everyone with a smile on my face, just like you, believe it!" He vowed and both adults smiled but All Might wonder why he was saying believe it.

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