Are gods among us?

Start from the beginning

There it was read and at the next court session it was decided to implement it with some corrections and sold as a test on the New Kresy to the hard-headed communists at the PZPR convention as part of the new five-year plan for 1975-1980. Fortunately, the transfer came in the last year of the last five-year plan, so it didn't hurt as much as one might expect, and the hard-liners in power effectively silenced with their propaganda and police truncheons those fools who came out shortly after the transfer was announced to protest the public sensing an opportunity for democratization.

The people's government said so and with its apparatus of terror and violence crushed all resistance, then loosened up a bit and met, amusingly and ironically, some of the democratic opposition's demands. Nothing important or really noticeable but giving time and space and scapegoats in case of failure.

The newly promulgated law on economic freedom, which in a nutshell could be described as "what is not forbidden is allowed" and "let it work" was in a package with the act of colonization of the New Eastern Kresy within the framework of the five-year economic plan 1975-1980, quite effectively repaired the somewhat tarnished image of the good Gierek after the harsh suppression of protests.

Although the Poles did not forget these events, they rushed at the opportunity like piranhas at meat in water. Of course, priority was given to the children of communist party members and friends of those in higher levels of power in the colonization lists to be able to open their own businesses. But this did not mean that there was no shortage of ordinary people willing to do business.

And one of such lucky people was Mr. Jedrzej Durczak, a worker at the Gen. Walter's "Predom-Łucznik" Metal Works in Radom, which our readers may know under the more modern name of "Łucznik" Weapons Factory, and as befits an armaments plant in the Eastern Bloc, in addition to all sorts of firearms they produced sewing and typing machines, household appliances, or any other metal things like locks, padlocks, or machine tools.

Generally equipment that no one would expect to be produced in an infantry armament factory. Of course, a small curiosity would be the fact that the period from 71 to 75 was a period of huge investments in this enterprise. One of them was the creation of a branch office in Zvolen from scratch, or the launch of production under licence of sewing machines of the American company "Singer", together with the right to sell two models with the "Singer" trademark all over the world.

This was used both before and after the transfer, although now some of the "Singer" machines are sold on the Polish market since the main foreign buyer has disappeared and the machines were manufactured exclusively for export.

Town Hall in Radom

Mr. Durczok was impatiently waiting for his turn in the corridor of the municipal office, it was not a nice place, not with the level of courtesy and the attitude of the clerk to all petitioners who would do best if they didn't come. Yes, there are nicer ones, like the lady clerk to whom he stood in not small queue.

He felt a little sorry for this angel in the building, which came from the mediocre years of Gomulka's rule. It smelled clearly of old age here, and although you could see that the building is taken care of, it was not comfortable to sit here. Especially that the corridors are a bit cramped and the queue is long. In the air there was a slightly watery smell, but not of sweat, but of rot.

Of course, in order to take part in the last formalities he dismissed himself from work and waited like others in a neat suit. The other thing is that he was not too rich and since he bought a suit for his wedding about 8 years ago he still wears it. Besides, hardly anyone could afford to spend full money for a new set of navy blue jacket, white shirt and pants.

Not that it stood out in any way, just a typical formal outfit from the 1960s for the slightly poorer. As for the meeting, he was just waiting for the last documents confirming the opening of the new plant, the permission to settle in New Lwów and the confirmation of the registration of his paper company Parpol on the territory of the New Kresy.

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