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Life has been very good and pretty bad to me. Do you know why? Maybe because I chose to think on the brighter side or maybe because I chose to think why am I on the bumpy road of life.

Life. Life. Life.

Life is good! Sometimes you can be on the cloud-9 walking happily like there's no tomorrow. You are smiling and giggling because you won and all of your manifestations came true. The dreams that you have been praying for are slowly becoming what you really want it to be and all of these shining path was really made for you to walk and explore life. It is good, right? All your fantasies are gently walking towards you making you think of a question, "why is this so good to be true?". Well, in fact it is really true but you are just hesitant to believe it because it sends a rare feeling to yourself. A feeling no one can explain.

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