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Overcome, a word that feels like assurance. It is an act of overcoming or succeeding in dealing with problems and obstacles. It is sometimes a stage of life where you defeated the inner and outer demons that causes your difficult circumstances. Inner demons, this is what I meant to be your mentality on how you think, your emotions, your feelings, your mindset, the way you perceive things, and how you beat every ounce of problems thrown unto you. Outer demons, these are the problems that occurs outside of your comfort zone. Either inside your workplace or inside the house, or in the community or in the environment. All of these demons may it be small or big, can cause change and effect in your living. You may think that you will never make it until the end but as you look back, you can see that you have just overcome it and left it behind. Leaving your worries doesn't mean that it didn't bother you, leaving your worries means that you don't want to be consume with any demons coming your way because you are focusing more on the angels that is offering their hands to lift you up. 'You are strong'. 'You are brave'. You tap your shoulders as you believe that you are a person full of courage. A courage that only you can understand. A courage that you only needed when you are alone. A courage that God gave you to survive. Remember this, you may not see it but you are now in your new stage of life. A new beginning, a new you that is bolder than your past self. Be proud because you are the only version of yourself and it is your only weapon to overcome life.

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