brick wall.

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More or less just a chapter where i casually just "talk", expect all formal writing to be thrown out the window + some questions for you guys to answer

so yknow ive been having a stupid idea recently and its to turn this piece of shit into the entirety of rhodes island sol

idk about you guys but im still hesitant on this idea cuz of the amount of fucking things id have to do

+ with what chars

in a way its a near replacement for my comps but not really, everything that comes from comps is me doing serious shit while here i just write with the flow

rn im not feeling too well not that i have a cold or smthing

just a "what the fuck am i doing and why" moment happens every time

existential crisis from exams

next semester isn't going to be well for my mental health

im sure people have it way rough than me that's the only thing keeping me in check

prob can go on and on but i'll avoid it

i cant have an upload schedule i never had one in the first place and i feel like im constantly fucking banging my head into a chainsaw whenever i write in first person

perhaps it's because im writing it from a true fp perspective aka you only get to know what the protag knows and sees, literally nothing else

i tend to try to do 2.5k per chapter, ive decided on 4k for my serious writing series and i realize that i breeze through them if i use third person

speaking of which why do you read these (genuine question)

also been genuinely questioning the inclusion of ocs

are they good? are they bad? why do i give a fuck? i dont know

just tell me helps quite alot

have a firewatch 👍🏻(Next compilation chapter should be about her mainly)

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have a firewatch 👍🏻
(Next compilation chapter should be about her mainly)

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