An unexpected gift (Valentine special, Y/N)

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This chapter is intended to be Y/N to celebrate valentines day. There is no OC implication. Happy valentines day and hi to all those Texas/Exusiai simps I pinged on Discord.

3:22 pm, Somewhere in Lungmen

"How long have we been working?" I asked the Lupo currently snacking while driving.

"3-4 hours."

I rolled down the window and extended my head into the air

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I rolled down the window and extended my head into the air. The slight breeze sent shivers down my spine. The lights of the brilliant shining city shined down on us in stark contrast, they mixed with the neon colours changing and escaping from the spaces between those buildings. I diverted my gaze to where we were heading. Squinting my eyes, we were heading towards one of Lungmen's massive lakes.

"Are we finished with our work?"


"Good, I got an idea."

Texas' ears flicked looking back at me.

"Why don't we go for a cup of coffee? I'm thirsty anyway. Plus there's a famous coffee shop up ahead near the lake."

"You can make one yourself." She pointed out.

"Gotta be a law-abiding citizen." I shrugged.

"Sure, why not."

"Speaking of which, where are we going to meet up with the others?"

We approached a traffic jam in the middle of the highway. The magnificent sight is now ruined with 50 cars honking at each other and their respective drivers yelling Lungmen profanities.

"Give me a moment." Texas pulled out her phone to message her colleagues.

"Where are we meeting for today?"

Exusiai: "I'd love to try out that store which opened up yesterday. Heard that they sold really good apple pie!"

Just an Ordinary Girl Passing By: "That store? I might be way too far from where it is."

Croissant@DM me for business: "Same here."

"We could try out the famous coffee shop near Lungmen Central."

Just an Ordinary Girl Passing By: "I'm not that far from Central. It'll take me half an hour."

Croissant@DM me for business: "Sounds like a good idea."

Exusiai: "What about the apple pie.."

"We can go there another day."

Exusiai: "But there's a sale! It's practically calling for me!"

"Hold on, give me that," I said to Texas. She handed her phone over as I took out my wallet. Taking a $1000 LMD from it I held the phone high and snapped a picture. Placing the wallet with the money back, I sent the photo into the group chat.

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