7 • 𝓕𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽 𝓜𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷

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Tanjiro and I prepared the whole day as we were going our separate ways the next day. Urokodaki-san had given us both a special ointment that can heal supposedly any wound, but I needed to see it to believe it. 

We packed some rations, water, medication supplies and other vital necessities. Whilst packing, I couldn't help but feel a bit scared. After seeing all those demons in the Final Selection, what if I encounter one of the Uppermoons? Would they take me back to Kibutsuji's place? Or would they pity me and let me go?

These thoughts still clouded my mind as I slept. Several times I had woken up during the night as I couldn't sleep. Giving up entirely, I decided to head outside to see the moon and the stars. 

There was a soft breeze outside that accompanied the animal rustlings in the forest. Of course, there could be demons so I kept my sword at me side. 

The full moon was mesmerising at this time of night. There were no distractions at all, so you could enjoy the sight of the moon and all the stars that were dotted around it. My crow flew down towards me.

"Hello," I whispered," I need to give a name for you, don't I? Or do you already have a name?" Judging by its silence, I decided to come up with a name." How about Kuro? That's the best I can come up with, unfortunately." 

The crow seemed to be content with the name. We just looked at the moon together until the sun came up.

The next morning, I hurriedly pulled on my uniform. Although the uniform was said to be fire-resistant, water- repelling and other things, it was rather light and breathable. I did not have a haori, like Tanjiro, so I opted to use the coat Tomioka-san had given to me two years ago. I also pinned the warding mask Urokodaki-san had given me to the side of my face so that I can wear it without obscuring my vision. 

It was strange wearing the coat over my uniform, but I would get used to it after a few weeks. After all, I needed some place to keep the kunai and the poison. 

"Have you gotten changed?" Urokodaki-san asked when I walked out of the bedroom. I nodded, before turning to face the man. He gave a nod of approval.

I heard something shuffling. It was Nezuko, who covered herself with the futon.  She looked in awe at her brother. I suppose she was proud that Tanjiro was a Demon Slayer now. 

"Now that you're starting out with the Demon Slayer Corps, I'd like to explain a few things to both of you." Urokodaki said. We were sitting down in front of him whilst he began to explain." That Demon Slayer outfit you're wearing right now. It's made from a special kind of fibre. The fabric is quite breathable, yet it will repel moisture and won't burn easily. A low-level demon's talons or fangs couldn't even manage to tear that uniform."

"It's that strong?" Tanjiro questioned, pulling at one of the buttons. 

"Also, those Nichirin Swords of yours," he continued," The colour varies from owner to owner and each hue had unique properties. But since not many people end up with black blades, little is known about them. So little is known that. . . "

"So little is know that. . . What Urokodaki-san?" Tanjiro asked, eager to learn more about his sword's colour. 

"So little is known that black blades are said to be wielded by swordsmen who'll never go far."

"I don't know how I'll do in the Demon Slayer Corps," Tanjiro began," But I'm going to turn Nezuko back into a human no matter what."

"Yes, you're right. I have faith that you're going to make that happen." 

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