8 • 𝓜𝓲𝓼𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓪 𝓗𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓻𝓪?

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When the morning came, I was greeted by the couple. They thanked me yet again, before giving me some food and sending me off. I felt guilty, feeling as if I was too rude for accepting so many things from them. 

My crow, Kuro, flew onto my shoulder. "Well done on your previous mission," he congratulated," You have a new mission. Go to the town of Shinjuku, located in the heart of Tokyo. You will fight alongside the Insect Hashira, Kocho Shinobu. Good luck."

He flew off into the distance. So, I needed to fight a demon with a Hashira? How strong will this demon be? Could it be an Uppermoon?

No, it couldn't. It it were on of the Uppermoons, they would send at least two Hashiras to defeat it. My spirits began to lift after this conclusion. 

When I arrived at the town, it was bustling and lively. People swarmed around and there were lights flashing everywhere. I needed to find a woman wearing a Demon Slayer uniform, but with so many people around, I could barely make out a person. 

"Ara ara, you seem to be quite lost." a voice behind me whispered. I turned to see a petite woman with a haori that resembled a butterfly. The same design was tied around her calves and she had a sword at her waist. Her hair was black with purple at the tips, which was held up in a butterfly clip. 

"Are you the Insect Hashira, Kocho Shinobu?" I asked tentatively. Although she smiled, there was something off about her. As if she was putting on an act. 

She replied with a nod. We strolled around the streets, trying to see where the demon would be.

After some time, we decide that having a meal would be convenient as there was no sign of demons around here. We decided to go to a takoyaki vendor to get some food. There was an old man running the stand and not many customers were there. 

We paid for the meal and ate it inside an alleyway where there were not many people. "So, L/N-san," Shinobu said, after we had finished the meal," How long were you a Demon Slayer for?"

Her question threw me off a little. She was quiet for so long that I didn't think she would talk to me. I thought she would be the type to just do their business and ignore everything else. "For two weeks,"

She hummed at my comment and was silent for a while. "What kind of breathing do you use?" 

"Earth Breathing,"

Her eyes widened at this. "Did you create it yourself?"


"I've never seen such a young person come up with their own breathing style. It's a very difficult thing to do. Who's your mentor?"

"Urokodaki-san. He was the former Water Pillar."

"Urkokodaki. I've heard of his name before." She thought about the name for a while. We were passing by another alley when I saw something -  a shadowy figure. I stopped in my tracks and grabbed Shinobu's arm. 

"Kocho-san, I belive we should investigate this alleyway. I have seen something that could be a demon." The Hashira complied and we walked into the dark alleyway with our guards up. 

There were a few drunks here and there as we got deeper into the alleyway. They were a nuisance, yes, but we had to find that figure. If I remembered clearly, the figure was a tall man wearing a plain blue kimono. 

We thought we lost his until we turned back and heard something. It sounded as it someone was. . . crying.

We ran down deeper into the alleyway to see that man curled up into a ball, his head into his hands. When he hard our loud footsteps, he raised his head. "Are you Demon Slayers?" he asked miserably. We nodded.

Lost KNY x Fem!ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora