19○𓂅Stuck To The Chair.

Start from the beginning

A hand reached down an offer to help him up which he awkwardly took, and just like the file said, there were another two that stood confidently smirking and chuckling; one girl and one boy. Toby quickly got to his feet. "No, it's okay!" Toby exclaimed, he put on a fake act of kindness, but how was he meant to get him alone?

"Let me get you something in apologies?" Micheal asked a soft smile on his face, the total opposite of his friends that stood on both sides. "No, I don't- Yknow what, Sure," He grinned, "I know a new place that just opened. Would you like to go with me?" Toby offered, the eyes of the other widened and a blush grew on his face, "Just us?" he asked, his friends stood in awkward silence as their closest friend fell under the other's spell.
"Well, Could I bring my sister, to make sure you're not a murderer!" Toby exclaimed, putting on the biggest act he'd ever done before, It felt embarrassing-- Of course, he didn't mean his actual sister, he'd pick Clockwork up from the alley and take the kid, Easy!

The two began walking to the alley, they had left the other two behind though he felt as if he had unfinished business with them, they reached the alley and clockwork was there, she was pacing and whispering to herself. Micheal inclined his head to Toby, "Is she okay?" he asked, strongly gripping Toby's sleeve.
"She's probably just worried about me," he replied, turning away to shield his eyes as she rolled them.

"Heyyy, sister." Toby called out nervously, hoping she'd get the gist, she turned her head and widened her eyes as she saw the guy standing next to Toby. "Hi, Where are we going?" She asked, a nervous smile placed on her face. "We're going to catch lunch!" Micheal butt in. "Yep . . Now follow me . ."
He and Clockwork began to lead the way to the end of the alley, Micheal followed behind nervously. Clockwork leaned to Toby to whisper, "I found an abandoned place, we'll head there, I made sure to bring a rope." Toby nodded and smiled, he turned to face Micheal, "It's not far, promise!" Micheal grinned and skipped in front.

Clockwork slowly pulled out a hammer from her bag and stalked behind him like a cat. There was a swift rise of the metal object and aimed it where there would be an instant blackout and landed the blow. The male let out a shriek and fell to the ground.

The two glanced at each other and Toby stepped forward, he tightened his grip around the other foot and dragged him forward, he wasn't that heavy, he was actually surprisingly smaller than Toby, and Toby was very short. "Really, your sister?" Clockwork chuckled, "Shut it! I was on the spot," he giggled, "Now where is the building?" he asked, yanking the body harder as it got stuck.
"Not far, it even comes with a chair!" she smirked as she put the hammer back in her bag and slung it back over her shoulder, Toby smirked and rolled his eyes, "It was destiny." he sped up his walking speed and just as Clockwork said, right at the end there was a large, warn down building.

They both entered the room through the gap that once seemed to be a door, the room was warm and a chair sat in the middle. There was a staircase up but the bottom half seemed to be so damaged there was no way up. Toby slung the unconscious teen onto the chair and Clockwork pulled out the rope, the ropes were wrapped around his arms so tight that they rubbed causing red marks, a sheet of fabric was wrapped around his mouth as a way to gag him and prevent him from speaking when he awoke.

"Is that it?" Clockwork asked while rummaging through her bag for any more items, they couldn't mess this up.
"No, we need this." Toby pulled out a rather small camera that was supplied in the package the file came in, if they wanted to prove they killed him they had to tape it.

They awkwardly looked away and looked back, "So . . Whose doing what?" he asked, "Uhm.. I'll do the Yknow-" Clockwork pointed at the rusted weapons as a way to express the words she didn't want to say.
"Alright, Cam for me, Easy stuff." Toby grinned and turned the camera on angeling the recording on Micheal.


The camera turned off as the two packed their things to leave and head back to the mansion. The two finished their job pretty early than expected, they were only ten minutes in on torturing him and the poor guys' lungs failed. In the end, they were instructed to leave the body where it was by the operator as he'd 'Deal with it.' and know who's what that meant.

They finally finished and Clockwork threw the bag at Toby, "Your turn to carry, Tob's." She smiled and began heading to the exit, "Since when were there 'turns'." He asked, he rolled his eyes and joined clockwork at her side. The sun rose and the day became lighter, It was around one and the two had made it back to the hill, They were both lucky enough to stay hidden by the human eye but now there was this huge hill that had to walk up.

"This is going to suck . ." Clockwork complained but other than that she was the first to begin walking and Toby followed closely behind. Toby was quite scared of his tics acting up and he'd fall back and who knows, even break his skull, But for now they weren't as bad as usual.

//I don't write Toby's tics or stutter though he does have them, I don't want to portray them in any wrong way or offend anyone if written wrong like in my last book.//


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