1○𓂅Cross Over.

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Tim walked the cold streets, hands shielding himself from the rain. His clothes were soaked due to the cars speeding through the puddles; he had run away, he couldn't stand seeing his mother drunk, she would physically hurt him, just mentally.


A car drove by, expecting another wave, he covered, but the car slowed before making a stop. So did Tim. Awkwardly watching as the window rolled down.

A woman in her possible 30's was revealed. Her hair was short, dark and quite fluffy, to say the least. She smiled politely, which Tim awkwardly returned. The woman spoke, her voice sweet yet holding a stern motherly tone to it. "Would you like me to drive you where you're heading?" She offered, angling herself in a way that she hung her head out of the window, her arm sloped on the window.

Tim stared and awkwardly scratched the back of his head. "I, Uhm-" He staggered, looking at the puddle on the ground, ashamed. "I'm not heading anywhere." He faced her again before adding, "I'm just walking." Tim's voice sounded more confused than he intended. "Oh, dear! Do you at least need a place to stay?" The woman spoke, her sweet smile never drifting from her face. "I-" Tim spoke, h thought hard about this offer, she was a stranger after all.

He couldn't decline this offer, It was free food, water and clothes. Something you could tell he needed. He decided to accept the offer. "-I'd Like that." He smiled. She beamed, it was almost like she didn't get much company.
"Just hop in the back seat, don't mind my son," she spoke, turning to face the wheel again.


Tim opened the back door, dropping his bag by his feet. Feeling eyes on him, he turned his head to be faced with a boy around his age. Very short. His brown hair was messy and wild, sticking out in every possible direction and covering his eyes. His head moved, watching Tim's every movement. He wore a white t-shirt along with black scrub pants that were branded, 'Oakwood institution'; A mental institution. He felt the awkward silence gouge him.
"H-Hey." He spoke awkwardly, shifting uncomfortably in his seat, trying to cover up how scared he was. He didn't respond but instead just turned his head away, leaning his head back on the seat, away from Tim.

Tim sighed, also leaning back, relaxing his body and letting out a sigh he didn't know he was holding. "Sorry about him, his name is Toby. He doesn't speak much." The mother informed, looking through the top mirror, facing Tim. She looked rather embarrassed.

Tim nodded in retort. Looking back at Toby, he couldn't stop thinking about him. How come he was wearing those trousers? He was odd, especially with the pigment in his skin. It was extremely pale, almost grey that was only brought out by the luminescent lighting that lit up the car. Toby turned around, only to be met with Tim's dark eyes. In retort, both males swiftly turned their heads back in the other direction, awkwardly. Though Tim couldn't stop fretting about him.

He turned his head to face the back of the woman, who was focused on driving. "Hey, Uhm- Ms?" He spoke, Nervously grabbing the hem of his grey hoodie. "Just call me Mrs Rogers! What's the issue?" She spoke, cheerfully. "Well, Uhm. How far will the drive be? I'm cold." Tim spoke, barely under a whisper. Toby chuckled, the better word for it would be sneered. Tim rolled his eyes. "Oh gosh! You're probably freezing to death!" she exclaimed. "We won't be too long, sweetie."

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