11○𓂅Too Early.

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They all stood in paused silence as the operator examined them, "I told you to let years pass when they are ready for a change in lifestyle, Jeff." The voice spoke, calm yet with a hint of impatience lacing it.

"I Know, Sir." He shrinks, Looking down as if he could feel the Disappointed gaze from the undetected figure. "But they were here, And I knew better than to kill them, We need them alive." Jeff pointed out, His chin high up, Feeling more confident, He spoke again. "And I think they're ready."
"Why do you say this?" The operator questioned, Jeff's shoulders tensed, Face scrunched up, Tinted red, He quickly turned to face the corner of the room, "I don't know, Just a feeling, Sir."
The aurora of the room felt less tense and so did the visible figures, "If you say so, I'm placing my trust in you," Jeff smiled, Before he could let out a happy yelp, he was cut off, "But if you fail me, I will be sure there will be punishments."

Jeff clutches his fist, Now feeling overwhelmed by his words, Were they really cut out for this? Masky was already showing weakness, If these bitches die, I'm next in line, Jeff thought before shaking his head and grimacing, He no longer wanted to yelp, You see, Operator's punishments weren't your simple torture, It was long and painful, Physical pain and mental pain, If you were lucky you'd survive, But the people who have survived ended up committing the biggest sin; Suicide.

The air seemed to have tightened around them, Hearts pounding, "You are excused, Boys." He excused, With a simple 'swoosh' The air fell silent, The room felt empty, The operator was no longer there with them.
An awkward silence filled the room, "I'm fucked." Jeff spoke out, The silence grew harsh again, He decided to make the first move, Turning on his heel and resting his palm on the knob of the door. "Come on, Idiots." He slung the door open And exited the room without another word.
Toby inclined his head to Brian, Who looked like shit, "I- What are we- Fuck man." He stuttered out, He couldn't bring himself to face Toby, Brian seemed intimidating but truth be told, He wasn't.
It was a pose.
The room grew cold and Toby gave a final glance at Brian with a frown before leaving the room, Brian throws his arms to his head and let out a frustrated sigh before trailing behind.

Toby stood by the doorway, He let out an awkward sigh, Watching as Tim and Brian have their well-deserved reunion, They had their arms wrapped around each other for the last 10 minutes, He probably doesn't even know I'm there. Toby unclenched his fists and examined the figure in the corner, Jeff; Who had brought Toby and Brian to Tim. His eyes trailed to Jeff's eyes, He looked hurt, His eyes watched the ground intently, "You okay?" Toby whispered, Nudging him gently, His eyes rose from the ground, "Yes," His face scrunched up as he puts his hands on his hips, "It's really none of your business." With a roll of the eye, He turns around and leaves, Toby following behind, There was no point in staying with Tim and Brian, Now that they were together again, He now felt irrelevant.
Jeff stood halfway through the hallways, Swiftly turning around and clenching his fist, His eyes glared at Toby.
"Why are you following me, Dumbass?"
"You miss someone, Don't you?"
Jeff froze, "You don't know anything about me." And without pushing further, He watched Jeff storm through the last length of the hallways and turn the corner.
Now what?
Toby sighed, Relaxing his shoulders, To his left was a double door, A beautiful bronze sign hung over the door, written in cursive bold words; 'The main hall'
Toby took a breath before opening the doors, To his surprise, It was empty, Which he was quite glad about, It gave him a chance to explore.

Toby walked the hallways, His footsteps echoing on the hard marble floor, It looked like a typical canteen in school (Just fancier.) Turning to the left was a setup que with barriers surrounding the walkway, With a small room where he'd assume is where you'd get your food, It was the same on the right.
The back of the hall was littered with tables and chairs, And another double door that led to the outside, Freedom?
Toby shook his head, He couldn't imagine what the operator would do to him if he even stood a foot outside, Toby sighed, turning around to be met with another face, Extremely close to His own.
A large male, Crouched down to his size, His eyes black leaking with a sticky substance, He had a sickly grey colour to him, Slick dark hair and large elf-like ears, The oddest bit was his large fluffy tail. "Hi there, You're not supposed to be here, Mate."
Toby's face flushed red as he stared horrified, "Eyeless Jack, or Jackie." He spoke, confidently, "Toby." He tried his best to mimic the taller confidence.
"Well, I'll show you around."
He gave a childish smile and turned on his heel, opening the large double doors.

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