14○𓂅Friends Of More?

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"So," Lyra trailed, Staring at Toby's messy hair, "Haven't visited the hairdressers in a while." She raised a finger, pointing at his fringe that covered his eyes, "It stops pity from those middle-aged women on the street." He admitted, Rolling his eyes.
"Fair point." She smiled, "Any 'friends'?" She asked, empathising with the word 'friend' and nudging him roughly, "Huh? Yeah, Jack's nice." He smiled, Thinking about how nice Jack has been to him. Lyra's face turned dark, A Smug smirk formed on her face, "So you like him?"
"Yeah I like him, He's cool."
"God, you're oblivious, Do you love him?"
Toby's eyes widened, and A warm blush spread across his cheeks, He quickly hushed her, "Be quiet, He can probably hear you spreading nonsense!" He hissed under his breath, Glaring directly at his sister.
"Fine, fine!" She whined, Dragging on the final fine, "I'll take you to your room, Yeah?"
Toby nodded, Lyra dragged her arms along the wall as the hallway guided her to a door, Looking a lot like the other rooms.
"Is this mine?" He asked, Tilting his head around Lyra trying to get a better look.
Lyra hummed in response, Opening the door, It was fairly blank, "How come everyone else has a better room." He groaned, "Because you get to decorate it by yourself, You get paid for every mission you do."
Toby instantly cheered up, Perking up by the word 'Paid' before raising an eyebrow, "'Mission'?" He asked, Lyra turned to face him, "You will find out eventually, So there's no harm in me telling you."
Lyra dragged her feet across the floor and sat on his new bed, "So-" she began,
She looked off, Thinking of the right words to say, She wouldn't want to freak him out, especially when she mentions that he will have to torture innocent people that have no idea of their existence, Even worse for those who do.
She decided to be upfront.
"We kill and torture people."
Toby gripped the bedsheets, Backing away from her, Eyes wide.
"But it gets better! It becomes easier, Don't panic, Don't panic!" She soothed, Scooting closer to Toby to pet his hair, "It's going to be fine." Those were her final words before getting up and leaving, She was younger than him and did not have the words to comfort him, She never did, She was only 14.

Toby inspected the room, Walls white, A fair sized window on the left side, directly by the bed, a Shelf hanging on each wall and a white carpet centred on the floor, His eyes darted to the bed he sat on, White covers, White pillows and brown wood, He smiled though the feeling of anxiety remained, making his heart beat hard and extremely fast.
The weight on the bed pressed down as Toby layed down and pulled the layers over him, Closing his eye and pushing out the thoughts of ending someone's life.

An alarm clock rang and Toby shot up, waking him, He covered his ears.
Since when was there an alarm in here!?
He turned his head to the clock and found Jeff hovering over it, A Smug smile formed as he made eye contact with the half-awake teen.
"Morning sleepyhead." Jeff teased,
"You couldn't have just nudged me?" Toby mumbled, Sheepishly wiping his eyes, "No fun in that." He chuckled, "Breakfast!"
"You have breakfast here?" Toby asked. Jeff hummed in response.
"Les' go!"
Jeff left Toby alone in his room, leaving him to quickly throw off the layers that were weighing him down, "Wait up!"

Both of them headed to the main hall, Jeff gave Toby a quick idea of what to do and say when ordering and pointed him in the direction of where Jack was sitting, "Now I'd get food if I was you and get to that empty seat before someone takes it!"
Toby nodded as Jeff shoved him into the que, Following it until it was his turn to order, The choices consisted of four options; Sandwiches, Baguettes, Steak and chips and chips on their own.
"Are you going to order or what?" A young man called out, Toby snapped his head to him, Face red in embarrassment.

"I'll just have a tuna sandwich, Thanks."
The man nodded and passed him his Food, Toby smiled and nodded his head in thanks and left before bumping into a larger body, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" Toby covered his face in embarrassment, "Toby?" The voice questioned, Though it wasn't any random voice; It was Tim.
"Heyyyy Tim." Toby groaned, He sounded uncomfortable and awkward at the same time, Why wasn't he with Brian His best friend? They both didn't need him now that they've got each other, They probably didn't even like him, They probably just used him.


Toby watched as Tim headed to the seat beside Jack, Though Jack had spotted Toby and waved, "Tob's! Come sit with me and my friends."Toby did as he asked as Tim glared at him with sadness, He let out a soft 'Oh.' And walked off sitting by himself on a table as Brian came up behind and sat beside him.


Toby was introduced to Jack's friends; Laughing Jack (Which is going to get confusing.) Dr, Smiley, Nurse Ann and Bloody painter, were all welcoming to Toby and he enjoyed talking to them.
After a while of chatting, From the corner of his eye, he saw Clockwork looking around for a place to sit and seemed to have spotted Toby, She gave him a 'Help me.' Look and Toby waved his hand signalling for her to come over, "Hey, Bring a chair over!"
Clockwork did as asked and sat beside Toby, A large smile on her face, "Thanks, I swear to god I was going to end up sitting next to the bins."
Jack let out a wheeze, "I did that on my first day."
Clockworks eyes widened, "Poor you."
Jack shook his head, "Nah, It was my fault, I bit my instructor and no one wanted to be near me." Jack again, Let out a laugh.
Clockwork let a single 'Oh' Fall from her mouth,
"You bit him?" Toby asked, Jack, smirked, "Yeah, No regrets, He was a bitch."
Everyone on the table laughed and Toby turned to Clockwork, "Hey, You said we were working together, Right?"
She nodded, "Yeah, why?"
"Whose our instructor?" He asked, Clockwork shrugged, "No idea."
Just as if he was listening, The operator spoke.
"Clockwork and Toby, Please report to my office, You should know your way by now, If not then ask a proxy of someone experienced."
They both glanced at each other before getting up, Tim and Brian watched nervously as they exited the room. Clockwork grabbed onto Toby's sleeve as they stood in front of the leader's door, Toby's knock echoed through the hallway and the door slid open slowly.
"You have a mission, Both of you."
The voice spoke, Creating an icy chill.
"This will decide whether you shall stay or be eliminated."

Nodding in sync,
"Yes sir." They both whispered.
"I have not invited Brian, As I have picked up on some tension between you two,"
Toby nodded, Letting out a sigh of relief.
"Your training will be separate until things have relaxed."

A large folder is passed to clockwork, Toby steps closer to read what it says, 'Micheal Nelson, A 16-year-old male.'
It had his description, Strengths, Weaknesses, Possible location and challenges (Like the fact he has two close friends that never leave his side.)

"What do you want us to do?" Clockwork questioned, Aksing the question Toby had been aching to know, "Torture him."
They both nodded in sync, "Find a way to get him alone and bring him to an isolated place and do as said, You have 5 days."
"Yes sir."


ʚMy Strange FriendɞTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon