12○𓂅Bright Charms.

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The room fell dim as Toby was guided into a room, Two young girls look up from the books they were reading, "Hey, You two."
He called out, The youngest wore a long pink silky dress, Her hair tangled in colourful beads and charms, She instantly perked up, Switching from foot to foot, Her pink heels echoing with each hit. "Whose that!" The young girl asks, Finally remaining still. "This, Sally," He pointed swiftly at Toby, "-Is Toby."
Sally clapped her hand, A large grin on her face. "I'm Sally." A small hand grabbed Toby's, "Nice to meet you," She smiled, "You have to do an introduction!"
Toby nodded slowly, Removing his hand from hers.

Toby cleared his throat awkwardly, "I'm Toby," His hand travelled to his other, His thumbs intertwining, "I'm 16, Uhm- I have tourettes, Schizophrenia and CIPA," His eyes slowly moved to the corner before throwing his arms by his side, "I dunno, I don't have anything special to say-"
"-Don't say that!" Sally cried, "Everyone has something special about them, You just haven't found yours yet."
Jack smiled, "What's yours?" He tested Sally.
"I'm the best at making charms and beads!" She giggled, "Of course you are." He rolled his eyes, "What's yours, Jackie!" Jack froze, "I- Uhm," He glanced at Toby, "I brought newbie here, That's a talent."
"What? No, it Isn't!"
"Is so!"

Jack grabbed toby's head and turned it to the other girl, Who had her nose back in her book, "That's Jane!"
Jane looked up, And Jack smirked, "Whatcha reading?"
She rolled her eyes, "Just get out, you're disturbing my peace."
Jack let out a wheeze, "I just wanted to tell you this is-"
"Toby, His name is Toby," She again, Rolled her eyes, "I heard."
Toby stood awkwardly as the two bickered about how Jack always barged in, Which Sally found endearing that he cared, But Jane's opinion was the opposite.
A loud growl erupted from the room and all heads turned to find Jeff.

"Have you seen-There you are, Toby!"
He hissed, "Everyone thought you died, I nearly knocked on every door In this corridor and disturbed the whole mansion looking for you, Jackass!"
Toby shrunk and fiddled with the hem of his hoodie, "You left me If I'm remembering right!" He argued back, "I assumed you'd head back to the others, Or at least chase after me!" His voice grew gradually louder, "Like what Loyal friend wouldn't chase after me?"
Toby quirked an eyebrow, "You wanted me to chase after you. Really?"
Toby let out a chuckle, though it wasn't full of malice, just teasing to give time for Jeff to realize what he was saying.

"Sorry," Jeff spoke, barely even a whisper.
"It's fine, though I'm staying with Jackie."
Jack threw his hands into the air before wrapping his arms around his stomach and wheezing, "He chose me over you."
"Shut it, Eyeless prick." Jeff growled, Eyeing him, In retort, Jack let out a hoarse chuckle, "Just shut up, You two." Jane spoke, Interrupting them. Jeff turned away, Slamming the door behind him, Jack firmly put his hand on Toby's shoulder.
"Well, Wanna meet other people?"
Toby smiled, "Sure, Can we meet people our age, Though?" He questioned, Jack nodded and lead him out of the room, with a single 'Bye' to Jane and Sally.

Toby and Jack walked alongside each other before making a pause, "So who's room first, We have the medical room, Which I work in, The Proxies room and the apprentices?"
Toby looked up as if to think, "The proxies sound cool, I guess."
Jack nodded and turned to the left and began walking, Still holding onto Toby's wrist, They kept walking until a large door sat directly in front of them, The sign that he kept seeing carved into the door; A circle with a cross overlapping it.

Jack opened the door and their eyes were on them.
These people look baddass.
Toby nervously stood there as Jack began his introduction.
"Well hello there, Sweety." A tall woman spoke, Offering a hand to Toby which he shook, "I'm clockwork," She began, "You're going to be working along my side." She spoke, Nervously.

Clockwork had short light brown hair that reached her shoulders, Her eye matching in colour, Except for her left eye which was a small clock from a pocketwatch that was shoved forcefully in her eye socket, Toby physically cringed as his eyes trailed over the rest of her features, He mouth was stitched badly as if she had done it herself, It was bound to get infected.

"I'm also quite new," She spoke calmly, "And I see you're eyeing my stitches, There going to be re-done by nurse ann, Soon."
Toby nodded in retort, His eyes moved along the room, Many other figures stood there waiting to do their introduction, Most of them seemed pretty happy, Though some seemed annoyed that his presence was there.


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