2○𓂅Strangers Home.

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Toby woke up, Turning to face Tim who was still asleep. He was clutching the sheets tightly, Possibly having a nightmare. Toby sighed. Getting up and softly nudged Tim. He didn't trust him well enough, I mean, He was a stranger living in his home, How was he supposed to feel?


Tim struggled to wake up mentally and grabbed Toby's arm in support.

"Toby?" He asked, still feeling drowsy. "You hungry?" Toby asked. He'd Push off Tim's hand and get up. "I-- I guess so?"

Tim muttered under his breath. "Come," Toby ordered before leaving Tim alone in his room. Tim quickly got up, chasing behind until he was behind.

"What are we having?" He asked, Now taking in the sight of the home, there was another door at the end of the hallway, Which you could barely call a hallway, It was tiny, The whole house was tiny. "I don't know."
He spoke, His voice dull, he didn't pay much attention to Tim.

Toby came to a stop causing Tim to fall back.

"Ah!- What was that for?" he yelled, His voice fairly high.
"I just-" Toby paused, Looking at Tim. "I just haven't been in there since-" Toby didn't finish. Tim understood. Tim smiled as an idea came to his head.

'Why not cook him something as a thank you?'

"You can sit in the living room and I can make something for you instead!" Tim suggested as he walked into the kitchen pulling out utensils. Toby stared at Tim before getting comfortable on the couch.


"Watcha' want me to make?" Tim called out from the other room. "Toast," Toby spoke as he Stared down at the floor, watching his feet as they swayed. He hated that he now had to rely on someone because he was too scared to walk into the kitchen, he felt stupid.

"-Where is the bread." Tim awkwardly asked. "It's in the-"
"I found the toaster!" Tim called out, excitedly. Toby chuckled. "Look at the top cupboard," Toby responded, not taking his eyes away from the floor. "Found it!"

'Maybe he wasn't so bad.'

Tim brought in a plate of toast, he did well. Especially for someone who had no idea what he was doing. He sat beside Toby, awkwardly smiling at him, though it didn't hide his face full of accomplishment. "Thanks." He grabbed the plate from his hand.
Toby ate in silence and Tim awkwardly looked around the room, Before looking at the photo again. "Hey, Tob's?" Tim turned to face his friend. Toby hummed in response. "Who's the other boy in the photo?" He asked while rubbing the back of his neck. "Oh," Toby spoke quietly. The room grew quiet.

"His name is Cody. (X-Virus) He went missing a few years back. He said he was just going to the woods. But he never came back." He whispered. "I'm sorry." Tim looked down. "Do-" Tim awkwardly looked back, locking eyes. "Do you want a hug?" Toby awkwardly shook his head. "No thanks." He grunted, rolling his eyes.

But it didn't change the fact his face was burning up.

Tim slowly nodded, embarrassed by the rejection. "Alright." Toby yawned, his hand covering his mouth. He stretched his arms before facing Tim. "Wanna go for a walk?" Toby asked. "Sure!" Tim said getting up, and ruffling Toby's hair, finally something productive to do. Toby gave a soft smile. "You can look in my wardrobe for clothes. My mum's going out after dinner. She's going to buy clothes for you, so they- Yknow, Fit." Tim smiled back. "Thanks, Tob's!"

he smiled at the nickname, he liked that.


Toby watched as Tim ran up the stairs, chuckling to himself. He waited until the room wasn't occupied so that he could change.

Tim and Toby walked through the empty streets. "We can head to the store, I'll buy you something to eat and drink, K'?" Toby suggested while Looking up at Tim. "Thanks!"


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