Chapter 8: A Little Bird Told Me So

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"Where do you think your going?" He chuckled quietly. I flinched, my face flushing. Pretty sure he had a sixth sense or something. I kind of just stood there for a moment, not knowing what to say, then I took off. There was a good chance he wouldn't be able to follow. Since the cabin was in the middle of the woods, I could of fled off in any direction. Hell, he didn't even know where I was going. Whilst running through the woods, I looked behind me. He wasn't there. Don't even think he bothered to chase me. Maybe for once he wasn't going to be a jerk. I slowed my pace, jogging through the woods. Getting to the bottom of the mountain would take forever, just like how we got up here from the beach. Poor Leah would have a two hour walk to go find Mya and realize she wasn't there. Maybe Mya really did need someone there. I started to worry, but told myself verbally to shut up and focus. Once at the bottom, I'd have to walk around the right side of the beach all the way until reaching different land. The kind of cracked land in the desert. Sandstone, I think. That was the bottom of the cliff. Apparently there was a cave inside going in, and if I swear to god, if that little shit was lying, I'd kill him myself.

"Just keep moving." I urged myself after the first ten minutes. My leg was killing me. Brian hadn't put the goey white stuff that heals on it today. He did a pretty good job. He was resourceful and smart. Unlike me, he actually learned stuff at school. Weirdo. He knew what to eat, how to survive, etc. It made me feel slightly uneasy that he knew all this stuff. Perhaps he was use to this lifestyle. Camped alot? Played survival games? I didn't know, but I planned on finding out once we could leave this stupid game. I was walking, barely. Now limping. It had been around twenty minutes or so. Who knew? There was no method of keeping time. The last game I lost against Oliver in the woods, everyone was granted a watch. In most of the arenas, we get it so we can plan attack times together. However, this wasn't one of those times. Good job, stupid island.
"Damn." I growled before I stopped, taking seat on a fallen tree trunk. Once I saw it, I knew the gods had put it there as sign to stop. Yes, because the gods can see into a video game. Right. Maybe the ocean water I swallowed yesterday got to my head. I think I sat there for about five minutes, letting it heal. Suddenly, I heard the sound of birds chirping. I don't know why, but suddenly I felt a field of butterflies erupt my stomach. Somehow that little bird, changed my mind. I exhaled softly. That little annoying, loud bird reminded me of Leah. And I knew what Leah would be tell me right now. About my feelings.

"Shut up, Leah." I mumbled to myself, standing up. I chucked a stick at the bird. It missed. It hopped away in time. I just watched it silently. It didn't fly. Just hopped. It looked at me, tilting it's head. There was silence. Then the wind picked up. The bird struggled to stay on it's feet against the wind. It then smacked into a tree. I smiled faintly. Definitely Leah. I figured it was probably injured, unable to fly. I approached it. The bird didn't move against the tree. I stopped, hesitating. It wasn't real. Who cared if it died? It was just a hologram. It was a conflicting mindset. Regardless, I picked the little bird up. It was a Robin. It looked almost full grown. My Mother and I used to go birdwatching when I was like, nine. I still remembered what I learned. It stood in my pale hands, wings shuffling. I didn't know where to put it-- her. From it's color, it was definitely a girl. I wore a black T-shirt and camouflage-patterned cargo pants. I guess I could've put it in one of my pockets, but I enjoyed the company.

"Your name is Tori." I muttered quietly, cupping the bird in my hands. Japanese for bird. That was Misaki's Mother's name. Dead Mother. I continued through the woods. Somehow just having the bird with me made me feel a lot better. My leg didn't hurt as much. I barely noticed it. It felt like I had this warm liquid poured on the icy attributes of my personality. Melting them. I talked to the bird like it was my best friend. Was I crazy? Probably. Did I care? Nope. An hour had passed of, yes, talking to a bird. About my problems, my conflicts and my feelings. It felt like I was released. Even with my mind occupied, my stupid leg was really hurting again. Still, I kept going. There was nowhere to stop. I heard rustling in the distance. Great. I quickly slid the bird into my pocket. Obtaining the knife from my other pocket, I turned. I couldn't see them well behind all the tightly bunched trees, but there was definitely someone there. I inhaled deeply. If it was that girl, Kiwi, I would've been dead the second she got there. I couldn't run because of my leg, far, anyway, so I stood ground. When the person came into view, I sighed in relief, bending over, hands in my knees from exhaustion.

"I've been meaning to ask, why are you talking to a bird?" Brian grinned like an idiot. What a jerk.

"I didn't realize I wasn't aloud to." I gave him an irritated look, looking up from bending over, rolling my eyes. I straightened my back.

"How's your leg?" He asked cockily, folding his arms. I scoffed.

"It's fine. And why-- how are you here?" I raised my voice. I was so caught up in the fact that gladly it was Brian, I forgot that fact that I'm suppose to be pissed that it's Brian. Before he could speak, I barked out "How the hell did you follow me through an entire forest without me knowing you were there?" Before he could respond to that, I went on. "For once-- for once Brian I thought you'd just leave me alone to go. Better yet, you left Leah and Mya alone. Aha, and oh, even better, sent Leah on a four hour there-and-back false destination." I shouted. He took a step closer.

I shut my eyes tightly
"Seriously, shut up Brian. You are such an idiot, it's unfathomable! God, I wish I was stuck with Cody instead of you. At least he can-" I opened my eyes. He was so close to me now. An inch away. It was unacceptable. I felt heat light inside of me. He pressed my back against a tree. Tori was frightened, wriggling out my pocket. At first I thought the heat was anger, but it was the opposite. My body was limp. His intense gaze paralyzed me. Brian tucked a strand of loose hair behind my ear. Words of protest were caught in my throat. I tried taking a deep breath to regather them, but I couldn't. He was breaking me. He had to lean down. I couldn't even think. I was so stupid. I was anxious. I knew he was going to kiss me or whatever. I just wished he'd hurry up and get it over with. Instead.. he didn't. I couldn't breathe. This was worse than getting shot in the leg, trust me. A body tearing dilemma. He was about to release me. It seemed he changed his mind. I couldn't read his eyes anymore. He took a step back.

"I hate you." I whispered, taking a step forward. I yanked down on the collar of his T-shirt, bringing his lips down to meet mine. His height was definitely a problem. He lifted me up so my legs were around his waist now. I cupped his face, deepening the kiss. I was out of breath. When he kissed me the first time he was soft, now it was different. I was releasing all my aggression towards him in a different way. The best way. I didn't even know what I was doing. Usually I'd come back to my senses and stab him with my knife. Usually. But this time, and only this time, I let it go.

A little bird told me so.

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