Chapter 6: Howle at the Moon

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I laid on the cabin floor, breathing heavily. It was hard to breathe, but I still managed to. The cabin wasn't very big. There was one bed, one couch and that was it. Since I was the leader, I offered Mya and Leah the bed, then Brian the couch. I didn't mind the floor. I kind of preferred it actually. But I was freezing. The house didn't even have heat. Well, it had a fireplace. But that was near Brian, and I planned on keeping a safe distance from him for a couple years. I closed my eyes, deciding it was time for sleep. Leah and Mya snored back and forth like it was a chorus playing. I laid on the floor beside the bed. I needed to be near them if anything happened. Hopefully they'd find Brian and kill him first. I was debating on who I'd kill first, Oliver or Brian. I finally dozed off. Subconsciously I felt a blanket being placed over me. I was half-asleep. I stopped shivering for a moment. I laid on my stomach. Somebody shook me. I lifted my head, my vision blurring at first, looking to the male.

"Alice." He whispered softly. I ran a hand through my hair before pushing myself up to stand. It was just Brian. I thought I filed a restraining order against him. I was so tired, I forgot about all that stuff. He took my wrist and led me out of the room. I wiped my eye, groaning at him.

"What?" I didn't care to whisper. He'd brought the blanket with him. We headed outside. The cabin had a sturdy, small roof. He climbed to the top, then pulled me up. I didnt understand what he was doing. He handed me the blanket and I wrapped it around me. He simply pointed to the sky. It was really dark, so I could barely see him. But when my vision hit the sky, It was absolutely amazing.

"What is that?" I gasped softly, referring the moon far in the sky. A small cloud began to cover it. The stars dazzled the sky. It was like giving glitter to Leah. Everywhere and messy. I'd never heard of such a foreign thing. He explained to me that it was the 'moon', and the others were stars. That you could see them only if you went in space. My mother had went to space when she was younger, but had never told me about any of this. The fumes covered our skies. I heard a wolf howl in the distance. I suddenly wondered how Howles would howl when I shoot him in the foot.

"It's amazing." I admitted, smiling faintly before looking to Brian. "Thank you." I added.

"I've never really seen you smile, you know." He cracked a boyish grin. Damn. I didn't think he'd be able to see me in the dark.

"You know, I've always wanted to cut my hair. My mother never let me. Not short-short, but just to my elbows. It ridiculously long." I sighed.

"Go for it." He folded his arms behind his head. I smiled once more.
The cloud slowly passed the moon, and now moonlight shaun down, lighting up the shadows of trees and everywhere it touched. I was tired. I could fall asleep like this. I was so tired. I exhaled softly, closing my eyes. I swear, it was like he could read my mind.

"You can go to sleep." He spoke. He guided me to lay down, placing my head on his lap. He was warm. Usually i'd punch him. Usually. But this time and only this time, I fell right to sleep.

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