Chapter 7: Found You

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I had awoken by the fireplace. The fire had been put out. As I recall, I dumbly fell asleep on the roof last night. Brian must of taken me back inside. I was still wrapped in my blanket. I peeled it off, coming to my feet. Inside the cabin, when entering from the front door, a couch and fireplace was to the left. A old, stone kitchen was at the right. Walking down the small hall, there was a bedroom to the left and 'washroom' to the right. As in a wooden bucket you pee in. The joy. This place looked older than the 21st and 22nd century designs. I pulled my Raven locks over my shoulder. When I thought about hair, I thought about my mother. How she nagged me not to cut it.
I walked to the bedroom, slamming the door open.

"Rise and-!" I shouted. No one. Where was everyone? I checked outside. No. On the roof? No. Maybe they went out to find food. I headed out into the woods. I didn't call their names. I didn't want to risk Oliver or that crazy shooter from before. My leg was hurting, throbbing. I continued walking stubbornly, refusing to stop and look at it. Time passes and I grew tired. Was this some kind of sick joke? I was about to turn back. I heard rustling behind me and someone clasped a hand over my mouth. My eyes clenched shut. Something sharp was pressed against my back.

"Shh." The person spoke, pulling me behind a tree. I peered out around the trunk. It was Brian, Leah and the new girl walking. They were talking about finding food. Brian was trying to explain what berries are poisonous and which are edible. Smart. I watched as they passed us. Thank god. They were alright. We waited until they were about a minute away.

"Your going to come with me unless you want me to slit your--" The masculine voice began before I managed to elbow them in the face. Hard, too. I turned. His nose was bleeding. I snatched the knife from his hand and drove it into his shoulder blade. I would've killed him, but who knows what I could of been charged with in the real world?

Murder? Possibly.

The man backed up, crying out in pain. Hopefully the others: my team and theirs couldn't hear his screams from a distance. His back hit a tree. I sighed, taking a step forward and pressing the blade to his neck.

"If you don't tell me where Oliver Howles is, I will cut your main neck artery." As I pressed closer to the vein. This kid didn't dare hesitate. He stuttered, speaking fast.

"He's on the other side of the mountain!" He shouted. I pressed closer, drawing slight blood.

"There is no other side."

"A-At the bottom there's a cave leading inside." The man quickly corrected himself, still grunting in pain from his shoulder. I was about to pull away, but I had another question in mind.

"And who shot me?" I questioned, drawing back the knife I acquired from him. It was sharpened rock tied into a stick. Pretty neatly done. Should come in handy. Hope it can de-limb Blondes.

"Sh.. Shot you?" He raised his brows. "I wouldn't know exactly. But the only person on the island with a gun is a chick. I think her name is Kiwi or something like that. Blonde hair, African-American, hot. I think she's Oliver's girlfriend or something." The guy admitted.

"Oliver never mentioned a girlfriend." I muttered, backing away from the man. His back slid down the tree, gripping his shoulder tightly. I headed back to the cabin, went pee, pulled my hair back into an elastic that I kept on hand, even in games, then I was ready. I was going to the bottom of the mountain, and I was definitely going alone. Just as I was standing at the doorway, ready to leave, I heard the others returning to the cabin. I rushed back inside and pulled the couch out from the wall slightly. I hid behind it, listening to the others enter. Mya and Leah started making dinner, laughing away about something that had happened earlier. I suppose Leah made a friend. Brian sat on the couch, watching the two. He was so close to me. I had to hold my breath. For a moment I questioned why I was even hiding, but I realized if I came out now, they'd know I was up to something. I kept crouched uncomfortably.

"I'll check if Alice is still sleeping." Leah offered, making her way toward the bedroom. Brian stood up from the old, leather couch.

"Mya, could you go get more herbs for the stew?" Brian questioned, now watching the food. He was by the stone kitchen. This was my chance. I was about to flee out of my hiding spot until Leah jogged back into the kitchen-living room.

"She's not there." Leah spoke worriedly.

"She probably went out looking for us." Brian replied as if it was obvious. Leah's eyes darted towards where I was peering out. I quickly ducked back under, clasping a hand to my moutth, limiting my breathing once more.  She approached.

"I don't think the couch was like this before." She stated like it was a question.

"I did that. It ventaliates the house more." Brian replied, sturring the stew they'd made.

"It ventaliates? Wha-?" Leah arched an eyebrow, turning around.

"Just go help Mya. She went out to find more water for the stew. I don't want her alone." He explained. Actually, Mya went out to get more herbs. Now Leah would go to the wrong place. Assuming they found a spring or lake of water for the stew, I deemed it was a good place for a shower. Trust me, I needed one.  Leah was about to retort when Brian started barking at her to listen like he was her father. She obeyed, hurrying out of the house. It was a miracle. When he was focused on the food, I crawled out of my space and walked silently to the door.

"Where do you think your going?"

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