Chapter 3: Where Are We?

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I felt an unpleasant, cold sensation radiate my body. I awoke.

"What the hell?!" I shouted, wiping the water from my face. I winced, using my arm to block the sun that violated my vision. I saw a girl I didn't recognize kneel down beside me, monotone words speaking out.

"Are you alright?"

I subconsciously nodded, feeling like I was pulled back to reality. Virtual reality, that is. When I sat up, my proper hearing was returned. Rubbing my head, I viewed the crashing waves by my feet. It was an island. Without a doubt I knew I was still in the game. How? Because ocean's don't exist anymore. Maybe fifty years ago. I wonder how they captured it so perfectly. I had only seen pictures. I pushed myself slowly up to stand, seeing the beautiful, clean, tropical ocean before me. It was like nothing I'd seen before. Turning around, I saw a large array of trees creating a forest. It slanted up to a very, very large mountain. It kind of looked like a volcano. The ones that erupted our oceans. Before me stood Brian, the stranger girl and Oliver Howles. The second I laid eyes on my rival, I lunged at him. Brian gripped my arm. I didn't understand what was going on.

"Hold it, cupcake. You might want to listen to this." Howles spoke, his gaze glancing to the side at the stranger girl.

"And who are you?" I asked the girl, arching a brow. She stuttered.

"Your teammate." She replied shyly, moving slightly behind Brian.

"Ah, the newb." Oliver pitched in. I reached from my gun quickly, but nothing was there. My gaze darted downward. I had no weapon. I looked to everyone else. Neither did they. This day gets better and better. Even if I didn't have my gun, I was confident I could kick Oliver's ass. But if Brian hadn't done it already, then I probably really needed to hear this.

Oliver and Brian took turns explaining the situation. How the game went into an apparent 'glitch' and brought them here. How I was the only unconscious one found, everyone was awake for the upload of the island. So far, my knowledge was that the stupid game put us on an island.

You could exit the game if you pinched your ankle. They all claimed that they tried, but with no success. So we're locked in a stupid virtual game. A stupid deadly virtual game. You could also exit the game if you died, but they explained the how the consequences could be fatal in this situation and wasn't something to be gambled. I sighed, rubbing my pale neck. Ah, I don't think I described what most of us look like until now.

I kind of was lost in my own thoughts, gazing over into the distance. Brian smiled at me. He was tall, well, a lot taller than me per say. He had fair skin, short Raven hair that feathered downward, shading one of his intriguing eyes. His eyes were a sharp color of Grey. Oliver, however, had blonde hair as I mentioned before, green eyes and pale skin. He was average height, only a bit taller than me. Everyone I knew was pretty much taller than me, when I ranked about 5'6. The new kid had Olive skin, black hair pulled back into a ponytail and brown eyes. She was pretty short. Shorter than me, which made Brian tower like a giant over her.

"My name is Mya." The new girl added. I barely listened, and barely honestly cared. I was still daydreaming, after all. I expected Leah to whack me on the nose, rudely interrupting my thoughts. But- wait, where was Leah? I snapped out of it, looking around. She wasn't with us. No wonder why it was so peaceful and quiet. I exhaled softly, pushing past Brian and Oliver towards the forest.

"Women." Oliver huffed, before receiving a glare from Mya. When he looked to the new kid, she simply raised an eyebrow and looked away, then up to Brian.

Soon I was trudging through the bright forest by myself. Or was it a jungle? Pretty sure it was a forest. No tree frogs. Actually, no animals visible. It was pretty dead. I lost track of time. Maybe ten minutes or so had past. An ear piercing scream startled me. A familiar one. I broke quickly through a new root in the forest, making my way towards the ongoing scream. JESUS, Leah had lungs. It just kept going. And when it stopped, she just went at it again. I finally found her. She was backed up into a tree, screaming for dear life. The brunette began sobbing. The tiniest frickin' garden snake slithered towards her, then changed direction. She had acted like the illuminati had shot down the government for christ sake. I walked towards her.

"Leah?" I spoke softly, like a mother to a sleeping child. A child, that is. Remember I specified that, because once your older than fourteen, they have more uncomfortable ways to wake you up. No even going to go there.
Leah looked to me. She leapt into my arms. When I say leapt, you think i'm exaggerating for descriptive wording. Yeah, no. She legitimately leapt into my arms like a four year old kid. I really needed to lecture her about that stuff when we got home. Oh god, I already sounded like her mother.

"Oh, Alice. Thank god. I think Howles planted a snake there to kill me." She sobbed, clutching tightly to me. Leah was pretty light, but I felt an immense urge to drop her. I always had. This time I'd let it slid.

"Uh-Huh. Well, your safe now." I spoke dryly, carried her through the forest princess-style. We started back to the beach, which felt a lot longer on the way back with Leah's continuous babbling. Gunshots when off. When did they not? Wasn't the agreement no killing? And how'd they get guns in the first place. I set Leah down and we ran quickly through the forest, dodging the branches and tree roots. Leah stumbled a bit, but I was used to it from the last time Oliver beat us.

We soon reached outside of the forest. If I turned to look who the shooter was, I was afraid I wouldn't have enough time to defend myself. Screw defending myself, I had forgotten I even didn't have a gun. Now entering the sand of the beach, we were almost there. Shit. I hit the sand. My opponent had lodged a bullet in the back of my left lower leg. I groaned. Clenching my eyes shut, the pain was immense. The sensations on this game were spot on. Seriously, where the hell were we?

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