𝐖𝐞, 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐧

Start from the beginning

Other than that,  studying for Exams and Magic in general, he was on a constant schedule of training with his bow, he never once used an arrow all when his bow can produce one out of thin air. Thankful, the person he trust the most, Calypso, is the one to help and train him with the bow. It was difficult having no experience. Tasked with strengthening his core, arms, and legs for a sturdy structure. So far, no one is hurt. Unless it was Harry accidentally knocking off Calypso off her feet and sending her flying. She was safe and healthy, nothing big, unless you count the scar Harry got in return. 

The Malfoy Scion cover his mouth as he yawned, approaching the Great Hall. He was in desperate need of a hearty breakfast, after all, his body was hurt in places he was sure was not suppose to hurt. Thankful it was Saturday. A great day of relaxation without any teachers breathing down their necks. Casually, he the blond slid down beside Neville and Ron on the Lion's table. 

"Morning Dragon," Neville casually and jovially greeted. His hands were busy picking fruits for Calypso's luxury fruit bowl made by his truly. 

Speaking of the girl. Draco was sure a ghost would be scared with who was across from him. The Noirnette looked like she was ready to disintegrate who ever tried to talk to her. Her usual black silky hair was paper white and her eyes looked sharper than usual. Seems like he was pushing that talk earlier than what he had in mind. He looked over to Harry and was more horrified. The Golden boy was in the same state as his cousin less with the hair but with the same eyes, he was cradling his forehead, specifically the legendary lightning scar that was littered over his forehead. 

He cleared his throat. "Morning," He greeted, grabbing a plate from the golden racks and began filling it up with his choice of food. 

"Morning," The gods replied? Grumble was more fitting.

While eating silently, the blonde looked around the whole arc of the Great Hall. Tired and Burnt-out students scattered around in different tables all looked eager to rest for the weekend. Draco hummed to himself and noticed Theodore and Blaise approaching with Hermione and Ron. He notice the girl looked quite enthusiastic as Theodore spoke calmly while Blaise looked like he was boasting leaving the redhead snickering here and there. Once they approached the table, the squad was complete to join in breakfast. 

With the quiet ambience. The knight quietly kept in their own bubble. Eating and soaking up the mundane activity they always found within each other. No one would suspect that there are two gods among them and  approximately six wielder of powerful artifacts. Well, don't speak to soon, love, because that ambiance was soon disturbed when a loud resonating thud was hard all the way from the head table.

Harry and Calypso flinched, their eyes gripping close as if blocking out legilimency. Once they briefly recovered from a minor nearly major panic attack, they turn to where everyone was look. Neville. Or maybe who was behind Neville. 

With all her might and magical prowess, the Minerva McGonagall and her squadron of even powerful Head Teacher were behind the blonde boy looking all stern, sharp and downright killing. Harry frowned at the unnecessary noise that was made. It spike up his sisters anxiety. He gave the teachers a questioning gaze until glanced at Draco. His eyes grew in size seeing the bruise around the blonde's chin and the healing cut on his cheek. 

He turn to tell his sister and gaped at the yellow bruise on her face and the healing slit on her eyebrow. Now, he didn't know if he was going to speak, cry or panic but he decided to let his sister deal with it. So, he tugged on her negative tethers, snapping her from glaring at her breakfast instead to glare at him. 

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐡 || Harry Potter AuWhere stories live. Discover now