Start from the beginning

YN- Sure.

Then we all went towards the limo. I was driving it since the driver was on leave today. After sometime we reached at the ice-cream shop. I parked the limo. And the Maknaes started running towards the shop. I think they are so excited. The Hyung line, Me and Mia all chuckled at there childish behaviour. Then we also went towards the shop. The I said

Me- Ok Now tell me which flavour ice cream will you all eat.

Jin- For me Vanilla Ice Cream.

Suga- I will also take Vanilla.

Jhope- Butterscotch for me.

RM- I will take Chocolate flavour.

Jimin- Same. I will also take Chocolate.

V- For me Strawberry flavour ice cream.

Jungkook- I will also  have butterscotch.

Me- Ok and what about you Mia?

Mia- Unnie I will take Vanilla.

Me- Ok I will go and order. You all sit here.

BTS and Mia- Ok Noona/Unnie.

Then I went and ordered our ice creams. For me I chose strawberry, cause I love it. Then I went towards them and saw they were sitting scared. It will not be easy for Mia to have a bond with them.

V- Noona which flavour did you chose for yourself?

Me- Strawberry. Same as you.

V- You also love Strawberry Ice Cream.

Me- Yes. I love it.

After some time Our ice creams came. They were looking very tasty.

Jin, Suga and Mia's Ice Cream 👇👇

Jin, Suga and Mia's Ice Cream 👇👇

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RM and Jimin's Ice Cream 👇👇

Jhope and JungKook's Ice Cream 👇👇

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Jhope and JungKook's Ice Cream 👇👇

Jhope and JungKook's Ice Cream 👇👇

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V and YN Ice Cream 👇👇

After we finished eating I saw Makanes were looking like they want more

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After we finished eating I saw Makanes were looking like they want more.

Me- Just wait here I will be back in 5 minutes.

Then I went and ordered a special ice cream for all of us. Then I went towards them and sat in my place.

Suga- Where did you went Noona?

Me- You will know.

After some time Our Ice Cream arrived. All of them were looking shocked. I think they didn't expect me to buy more ice cream for them. They don't know me. I will not leave them without spoiling each and every one of them.

Me- Before anyone of you say, let me tell you. We are on a sibling date. So let's just enjoy ourselves without any worry. I ordered this for all of us. So just enjoy. Ok

BTS and Mia- Ok Noona/ Unnie. Thank you

Me- Let's eat.

Our Ice Cream 👇👇

After we were done we all decided to go to the park which was just infront of us

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After we were done we all decided to go to the park which was just infront of us. We just have to cross the road. I told Mia that she should talk to them there only. We were going Jin, Suga, Jimin and Jungkook crossed the road. Now Mia was crossing and V was behind her. Suddenly a car in full speed came towards her and

💥 BOOM  💥


💜💜💜💜CLIF HANGER 💜💜💜💜

Hey guys
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So The new book is finally out.
Hope you enjoyed this chapter
The next few chapters will be more amazing.
So keep waiting.
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Words Count- 805

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