First Encounter

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I took a drink of my wine as I listen to irene rant on how people have been coming to the club more often and it's making them a lot of money, pretending to listening to what Irene was saying, but in reality I'm just focusing my eyes on some girls sitting 3 chairs down from me, giggling everytime they looked my way. As I was about to make my move and attempt to flirt with them. Then some boy sat in the seat between us, I sighed in annoyance and sat back down and continued drinking, then saw Irene move to the boy that got in my way earlier.

Myung looked over to his right to see what was going on. He was sitting there talking to Irene about something.

As soon as Irene left I called over a waiter to tell him to get the boy next to me a drink as an attempt in saying "hey your cute wanna sleep with me?" The waiter nodded and headed over to the boy. He looked over at me and I gave him a smirk, he looked away and Irene came back and started talking more with the boy.

Myung was surprised when someone for once rejected a drink from him, usually people accept it and end up talking with him then sleeping with him. But this boy rejected him completely.
After thinking about it, and came back to reality realizing the boy had got up from his seat. Drink untouched and exited the club.

"Psst, Irene. Who was that boy that you were just talking to?" looking at her hoping she would tell me. She looked like she wanted to punch me.
"Don't get any ideas Myung!" She said then smacked me on the head with her hand but then continued talking "He's one of our regulars, also sometimes is a waiter here. He comes here every week when it's packed"

That's when Myung had an idea.

That's when Myung had an idea: He would visit the club everyday to analyze this mysterious boy, so he would sit at the club everyday hoping he would see the boy again but to his luck he hasn't seen him since that day.

While I was lost in thought. I heard someone yelling my name so I snapped out of it and it was Jay yelling my name kicking me out bc it was closing time. I sighed and before I left i looked around once more but he wasn't there.

I walked into the club. It was packed more than usual but maybe that was because it was the weekend, As I was walking, I was hoping to see Irene or Jay but they were probably off somewhere getting people drinks. Letting out a big sigh I walked over to my usual spot and sat down.

Myung asked for his usual drink the basic: wine, as Myung was observing the club. His eyes froze on a boy, the same boy he saw before a couple days back.

The boy noticed he was staring and he gave him a smirk. He was dancing with his friends. We were making contact as he was dancing very dirty like as if he was inviting me to come dance with him. Letting out a big sigh, I could feel my hard on from watching the boy dancing with his friends the way he was dancing.

I sighed thinking "what the hell" then as I got up I walked towards him. He looked down then looked back up smiling noticing the bludge poking out in my pants. He wrapped his arms around my neck and started dancing how he was before but more seductive and on my dick which made me even harder than before.

I gripped onto his hips tight leading him to let out a gasp, bringing him closer to me, to the point he was touching my hard on, as we were grinding against each other. I could feel his breath on my face. He smelled like sweet candy.

Next thing he knew the boy kissed him. I kissed him back, after sometime of kissing it turned into making out and touching.. Then.

Waking up realizing I'm still at the club but on one of the couches. I sit up to see Jay sitting next to me with some water and medicine.
"Man what happened last night? You totally got knocked out!" Jay said really loudly. "I don't know all I remember is..." then it hit me I was dancing with that boy and we kissed? "Myung... myungggggg MYUNG!" Jay shoved me on the floor to knock me out of my senses. "Jeez dude what's got you spacing out that your not listening to me?" I looked at him in annoyance.

Jay gets up and walks to Irene to give her a peck on the cheek. Me sitting there third wheeling as usual I interrupted "Irene? Are you ever going to tell me that boys name?" She looked at me as if she was done with me "what do I get in return if I tell you his name?" My jaw dropped she's not serious right? Over a name? I sighed "anything". "I won't give you his name but I'll give you where he works during the day" I looked at her blinking "what?" "You heard me don't act stupid now. He's a collage student where me and Jay go to collage at, surely you'll find him there." She had her thinking face on. "If he's not at the school..." she did a small pause as if she wasn't sure. "check the cafe"

He walked out of the club with the biggest headache still so he took more medicine that Jay had given him. As he exited the club, grabbing his phone to make a call.

"Hey Jin, can you make your way to the club to pick me up, I have some urgent matters to attend."

"Perfect" he hangs up.

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