The plain

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~No pov~
Liam starts to open his eyes all confused. L-"W-where am I?" ??- "Is he alive?" Someone said in a worried voice. As Liam opened his eyes more he managed to see the people around him. L- "Who are u ?" ??- "My name is Taylor." Liam begins to stand up.

"And who are all you guys?" Liam stated. The moldy piece of bread starts talking "My name is Charlotte." The soda bottle says "My name is Bryce." "Amelia." says the candle.

*baby giggles* Liam hears them and asks "And what's his name." "Oh we don't know" says Amelia. "Oh ok" says Liam. " HELLO CONTESTANTS AN- OH SORRY." says a anonymous voice as all the contestants are covering their ears.

"Is this better?" says the anonymous voice as the contestants uncover their ears. "" They all say. "Oh sorry my name is airy" airy states as they all have a confused look on their faces. "Ok Airy one question WHERE THE HELL ARE WE!?!?!?" says Bryce.
Will the contestants find out where they are and why their there well find out on the next part I make:)
Thx so much for reading and I hope u have a good day or night.

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