Matt meets a girl

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Matt's POV

I was still in daycare, my friends are still out there and I have no idea if they are ok. Ever since Louie went missing, I've been dreading about the others. Just then i heard a staff member talk about Eduard and mentioned Dean. I listened in and only heard a couple things.

"Eduard has gone missing like Louie"
"The rest of them are being hunted"
"Dean left them and went off somewhere"
"Dean hasn't been seen for a while"

I looked shocked as I heard that Eduard went missing and that Dean just walked off somewhere. Then I saw a girl with blonde hair coming towards me. "Hey little boy, what's your name" She asked me smiling. "I'm Matt and I'm 15 years old" I told her telling the truth. "I'm Emily and I'm 16" she told me. She looked down and saw my nappy. "You've wet your nappy" Emily said to me laughing. I looked embarrassed and tried to tell her about what i heard. "My friends Louie and Eduard have gone missing and I need to escape this place and find my other friends" I explained to her. Emily thought for a moment and she agreed. "Sure, I'll help you find them as long as you stay wearing nappys and I get to be with you and your friends" Emily said smirking. I agreed and we then escaped.

Dean's POV

I ran back to the Temple in fear, I got in and locked the doors. I felt bad for leaving the others but I just couldn't take it anymore. I went to my room and layed on my bed.

Then I hear the temple doors open and I immediately assumed the others followed me and then I went downstairs to see who it was and I saw Matt and a girl. "Matt?" I asked Confused. "Dean, this is Emily, we met at daycare" Matt announced. Me and Emily shook hands then I put my hands in my pockets. Matt seemed to notice my strange behaviour. "Dean, is everything ok?" Matt asked me looking worried. "Eduard is gone too, this is getting too much for me, I can't take it anymore" I admitted whilst clenching my fists.

Matt's POV
I saw that Dean looked stressed. Dean then walked out of the temple and we saw him stand outside. "What's up with your friend?" Emily asked me looking annoyed. "He's just stressed" I assured her.

Dean's POV
I stood outside and felt a evil presence behind me. I turned around and saw nothing. Then I went to walk back to the temple but then I saw a shadow and then I blacked out.

Luke's POV
Me and the others went back to the Temple and saw Matt with a girl. "Matt what are you doing" I asked him. "This is Emil" Matt told us. I looked around and didn't see Dean. "Where's Dean, he ran off and we can't find him" I asked Matt to see if he knew. "Dean was here but he went outside and he hasn't come back in" Matt explained. "There was no one out there" Harry said. Then we all went outside and didn't see anyone but then there was a strange presence but it was just Dean. "Dean, there you are" I said in relief. We all looked at Dean but there was something off about him.

What happened to Dean?

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