Part 21

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Together Y/N, Killua and Gon all walk threw the town looking for something to do.

"Sucks none of us have any battles any time soon." Killua says as he walks with his hands behind his head.

"I know right? It's like they want to bore us out of our minds before they get the shit beaten out of them." She smiles and giggles as she walks slightly ahead of Killua and Gon.

"I have an idea!" Gon cheers.

"What?" Y/N asks, spinning around so she's facing the two boys.

"How another we go and eat." He smiles.

"Food?! Ya!" Y/N throws her fist into the air, now having the urge to eat.

"Sounds good to me." Killua smiles and thinks of food as well.

"Y/N?!" Gon calls as she bumps into a person behind her. Somehow tripping over the persons foot she tumbles to the ground. Her eyes widen as she manages to twist her body sideways and stay standing up. Th ebony she tripped over was holding a crate on his left shoulder. He stumbles but doesn't fall.

"Sorry." Y/N says as she circles the crate to see the boy's face. There's a moment of silence until the boy speaks.

"Y/N?" Y/N's eyes widen.

"How do you know me?" She asks, trying to figure out if she's seen this boy before. The boy has shaggy blonde hair and strong muscular arms, he wares a tank top, like Killua and Gon, and a pair of pants. His eyes are a dark blue but she doesn't look at them long since her attentions been attracted to the large cloth tied around his arm.

"Wait? Are you Y/N... Y/N?"

"I'm Y/N... Alfo?!" She asks, looking back into the boy's eyes.

"Y/N!" The boy drops his crate and picks her up in a bear hug.

"Alfo, I can't believe it's you." She squeals and hugs the boy back.

"It's been so long, you've changed so much." The boy asks as he puts her back down.

"You too, look you have muscles." She giggles. "And you've grown." He stands a good half a head taller than her.

"Ya, growth sprout." He has a quick laugh and rubs the back of his head.

"How's your mother? She still make that amazing soup?" Y/N asks, not letting the atmosphere turn awkward.

"Oh, um, I guess you wouldn't know. My mother died a while ago. I've been living with my grandparents ever since."

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't know." Y/N bows her head, shading her eyes.

"No, it's ok. I've gotten over it. What are you doing here of all places?"

"I'm here with my friends Gon and Killua." She motions towards the two boys who pretend to be interested in other things.

"Alfo, Gon and Killua, I met them during the hunter exams. Gon, Killua, this is Alfo. He's a childhood friend." Gon smiles and says hi as Killua nods and continues his whistling as he stares at the sky. Not noticing alfo smiles and gives them a slight wave.

"Nice it meet you. So what are you up to now?"

"We where just going to eat."

"Well I've got to get this to the shop, how about we meet later and catch up, how long has it been eight years?"

"Yep, just about that." Y/N smiles and nods. "Here's my number, let's make a date." She smiles and pulls out a pen than writes her number on his arm. "Don't worry, it's washable." She smirks and slides the pen back into her pocket.

"Thanks, talk to you later." He waves and picks the crate back up. Walking off the two groups go there separate ways.

Once they we're out of ear shot Killua stops staring at the sky and back at Y/N. "Did I hear wrong or did he say eight years?" He asks, frowning.

"Nope, you heard right. Man how time does fly." She smirks like this ways normal.

"I wouldn't call that much of a friend." Killua huffs and looks away.

"How did you two become friends?" Gon asks, not getting any odd vibes.

"We met in a park a long time ago. I was here on business when I was like five and we played together."

"Did he always have that bandage on his arm?" Killua asks, rather stuck up. Pondering over it Y/N fingers her chin and looks up at the sky, "not that I can remember. I'll ask him about it later."

"Later? You mean your going to met win him?" Killua asks, confused.

"Well ya, i didn't give him my number for nothing." She giggles.

"I don't know, he didn't seem like he wanted to talk to much, leaving so soon and all."

"I bet he was just busy." Gon counters, "look this one looks good." He points to a cafe.

"What do you think?" Killua asks Y/N.

"Sure." The three of them enter the cafe and take a seat in one of the booths.

Who's that girl? (Hunter x Hunter fanfic)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt