Part 13

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"KILLUA???" Y/N yells as she sprints down the halls, trying to find her lost friend. She's already sprinted around the entire house without finding him. By now one of the Zoldic kids have started chasing her, only making her run faster. After finding a large stone door heading down into the basement Y/N smashes it open and tumbled down the states, landing on her feet. Without missing a beat Y/N's running again. From a distance away she can hear voices.

"AND GUESS WHAT? YOUR SO CALLED FRIENDS HAVE COME" An evil laugh. " AND WHERE GOING TO KILL THEM!" The voice yells, than she hears several cracks of a whip. By the time Y/N's gotten to the room in which the noise is coming from the person yelling has noticed her arrival. Not even out of breath Y/N stares at the only thing she cares about.

"Killua?" She breaths, the boy looks up, his eyes go wide. Y/N's jaw drops from the sight of her friend. He's hanging from the ceiling, chains around his wrists and ankles. He's covered in scares.

"Who are you?" A stuck up voice asks Y/N, making her look away from the equally confused Killua. The boy she looks at now is fat and holds... A whip, covered in blood... Killua's blood.

"BASTARD!" She screams and lunges for the boy when someone's grabbed her legs stopping her from ripping the life out of her target. Now in fighting mode Y/N twists her legs around but the boys hands don't let go, in result the skin around her ankles gets burned off. She than jerks her legs apart, surprising her capture and making him let go. She lands on her feet and goes for Killua once more when she senses something being thrown at her. She dodges the needles Irumi throws at her. She thinks as she avoids the boys attacks. Got to get untied. As she fights them she continues trying to untie her hands, but with no success.

"Y/N!?!" Killua calls from behind her, but she ignores him, concentrating on the attackers. She than hears the shattering of chains but ignores them. The second boy with the whip comes to his senses and gets into the action. He pulls back his hand and sends the whip towards Y/N. Distracted by the several tiny needles being thrown at her she doesn't see it.

The next thing that happens shocks everyone, Killua's standing in front of her, his arm held out, covering his face with the whip wrapped around it. "You so much as touch them, I'll kill you." An believable dark aura comes from him. He than smiles and lowers his arms, showing his wide eyes, scaring the boy holding the whip so much he shakes and let's go. The whip clatters to the ground, making the only sound in the room.

"Move away Killua." Irumi says, as calm as ever.

"No." Killua sneers and holds his position. The whip unwraps itself from his arm.

"I didn't want to do this..." Before Killua can act Irumi has managed to sink four needles into her neck. He collapses to the ground. More worried about him Y/N manages to dodge seven of the nine needles but still gets hit. Falling on top of the lifeless Killua.

"AHHHH, NO STOP IT, STOP IT!!!" A familiar voice screams in pain. Killua opens his eyes to see the same cellar room he's been staying in for the past two or something days. "NO, KILLUA! KILLUA, HELP ME!" She screams again, the use of his name makes something click in his brain triggering the memories.

"Y/N!?!" He yells back, hoping she answers. When everything goes silent fear crawls into him. "Y/N?" He yells again, this time with more panic.

"You're awake?" Miruki asks walking into the cell.

"Where are they? Where is she?" He asks, letting a little more panic come out then intended.

"Oh, don't worry. She's going not be home soon. Or at least as home as she can get. That is if they cooperate." He smiles wickedly.


"Boss, what's going on? What happened to Y/N." Machi asks, only concerned.

"I don't know, but I do know the Zoldic family has her and that they most likely want to trade her for this." The boss pulls a spherical object out of her pocket.

"I swear if they hurt her I'm going to kill them... All of them." She says, dead Serious.

"Machi you hurt her, constantly."

"Shut up. It's ok if I hurt her, but anyone other than us. I kill them."

"Hate to admit it, but I agree with you." Feitan says, coming up behind the boss.

"Than we all agree were getting her back?"


Leaving his brother on the floor Killua walks out of the room and follows his grand father upstairs. Even though his grandpa's telling him stuff he can't concentrate, every ounce of him is thinking about Y/N, what happened to her? Where is she? She ok? Once they reach his fathers room Killua pushes his concerns out of his mind, deciding it's a smarter move to listen to what he has to say.

Hanging from the ceiling Y/N debates her options, Imari has left which makes her happier than she thought could have been possible. She looks down at her body, it's covered in blood, and not someone else's. She frowns, how did I get myself in this situation? Deciding there's no use to ponder over such a pointless issue she continues looking for options. How to get out? Got to get Killua,. Got to get Gon. The three things on her mind.

Killua runs to his room, not believing what his father had said. He's free, he can really go. He passes his mother who has broken down in sobs, he doesn't give her a single glance as he walks past her. Once he get to his room he packs his bag and grabs his skateboard. Skating down the hall Killua opens the doors and rides down to the cells. Got to find Y/N. He repeats to himself as he looks into every cell. He passes his own and still hasn't had any luck finding her, yet he knows she's down here. "Y/N?" He yells, it echoes off the walls and down the hall. He waits in silence for a response.

"Killua?" A distanced voice calls back. His face cracks into a smile and he sprints down the hall. Turning into one of the cells he stops in his tracks, hating what he saw next.

Y/N hears Killua call from somewhere to her left. She answers but doesn't think he hears. Knowing she has to get out of here, she brakes the chains around her wrist and legs, falling to the ground. She lands on her feet but they buckle and she collapses to the ground. Suddenly a familiar pair of arms wrap themselves around her shoulders, holding her up. She slowly raises her head to see Killua kneeling beside her.

"What happened?" He says, his voice low and angry. He's clearly pissed.

"My legs... There broken." Y/N doesn't feel like a full out explanation so she tells him the necessities and that's all.

"Come on." Standing Killua lets Y/N climb onto his back. He than hops on his skateboard and together they skate down the halls, out of the mason.

"We, have, to, get, Gon." She says. Wincing at every word.

"Ok." Killua nods. Satisfied Y/N feels safe and lays her head down, closing her eyes.

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