Part 20

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Y/N doesn't stop running until she's at the edge of the park. There's a few children there, some on the swings some on the play set. Her eyes immediately fall onto the slide, there's no one on it so she sprints over to it. Extremely excited Y/N climbs the ladder up to the top of the slide and sits down. Pushing herself she rockets down with her arms held high and she screeches. Being young and careless Y/N hadn't thought to look if here was somebody at the bottom of the slide which there just happens to be. Not carrying she slides down until she rams herself into a boy about her age. The two of them collapses onto the ground in a messy heap.

"Ow!" The children says as they try to untangle themselves.

"I'm sorry." Y/N says as she holds her hand out to help the boy up.

"It's ok. I'm Alfo." The boy says taking her hand.

"That's good, I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you." She smiles and tilts her head slightly.

"You want to play together?" The boy asks.

"Sure. Let's go on the teeter-totter." Y/N suggests, he nods and they race to the large piece of metal.

"Yay!" The children cheer as they go up and down. For the next four hours the two play together. When the sun starts to set the boy gets nervous and says he has to go home.

"Already?" Y/N asks, feeling disappointed.

"Ya, you should come, we're having soup for dinner."

"Can I?"


"Kay!" They leave the park and walk to Alfo's home.

"Y/N, are we friends?" The boy asks, sounding unsure.

"Friends? Yes." The two smile. Once they reach the boy's house the boy opens the door and calls for his mother.

"Mom! Mommy, guess what! I brought a friend." He yells. A woman than pokes her head out of the kitchen and smiles at her son and his new friend.

"That's great honey. She staying for dinner?"


"Alright, you two go to your room until dinners ready." The lady gives them another gentile smile as the boy nods and grabs hold of Y/N's hand, pulling her upstairs.

"This is my room." The boy says opening a door to a small room with a closet and a bed and a fair amount of floor space. There's a window that looks over the street.

"Wow, you have a room." Y/N marvels. "And it's all yours?"

"Yep, all of it." They both walk in. Y/N sits on the bed while Alfo pulls a box of toys out from under it.

"What are those?"

"Theses are my toys." He smiles, supposedly proud of himself.

"Wow." Y/N lays on her stomach on the edge of the bed looking down into box. "What's this?" She asks.

"That's a train."

"And this?"

"That's a ball."

"And what's that!?"

"That's a yo-yo. I'm awesome with it."

"Can I see?" The boy nods and pulls the blue yo-yo out from the box.

"Watch this." He says and does a few tricks.

"Wow." Y/N laughs and claps as the boy shows off. "Do it again, do it again!" She cheers. The boy smiles and does the tricks again.

"Kids, dinners ready." Alfo's mother calls from downstairs.

"Come on, time to eat." Alfo says as he puts the yo-yo back into box and slides it under the bed.

Who's that girl? (Hunter x Hunter fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα