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Shesha told Narada and Narada had gone around all the place telling everyone that Mahalakshmi agreed to marry Sri Narasimha.

The Saptarishis, their wives, and great Rishis had arrived for that. All of them travelled from Garudadri to the hills where the Chenchus lived.

Seeing so many people at once, Sagara and the tribe was a bit worried. He wanted to ask Chenchita about her sudden appearance but she seemed a little too lost in her thoughts.

"Saami?" Sagara welcomed them all. The tribal chieftain has seen gods he had only heard of. The four-headed Brahmaa who created this material universe. The great three eyed Shiva. The great sages whose affluence he had only heard in stories.

"Dorra, we have come here for a special reason." Narada explained.

He moved back and let the someone take over. Everyone was looking at each other. The sages weren't aware of how to deal with this matter. The people opposite were tribals. Their rules and ethics weren't much known to them.

Uma sighed and walked up ahead. "You are the cheiftain of the Chenchus.  This," she looked at her brother, "is my brother. Sri Vishnu. In this entire creation, there is no one who can surpass him. Not in power, not is compassion, not in beauty, not in dharma nishtha, not in knowledge, not even in offering blessing. My brother is the greatest of the great. His very name, Vishnu, means someone who is spread all over the vishwam. There is no asura in Patala who doesn't shake in fear at the mention of his name. There is no dharma which doesn't find its refuge in my brother. Chaturmukha Brahmaa who created this prakriti was born from his nabhi." She turned back to Sagara, "I, his beloved sister Ambika, would like to ask on his behalf for your only daughter's hand in marriage. There cannot be a groom in this entire world who can match up to my brother."

"Chenchita?" Tirangini was quite surprised. Her wild child? The girl who would refuse the suitors right on their faces? Or scare them away?

"Yes." Narasimha answered.

"Are you sure you haven't mistaken her for someone else?" She wondered.

"No. We are very sure. She is our Amma." Garuda assured.

"Saami, we are not sure that Chenchita is even desiring to marry. We have tried to find her many matches and she's answered negatively to all of them."

"Dorra, how about you ask your daughter herself?" Uma suggested confidently.

She stood up and walked over towards the door to whose side Chenchita was hiding. She was about to start running when she heard it but Ambika caught her hand. "Daa. Nee gurinche ga idi. It is alright." She pulled Chenchita into the room, "yes, so, cheliya, my brother wishes to marry you. Would you marry him?"

Narasimha waited for the answer while looking at her parents. But when it didn't come, he turned to look at her, "you chatter away so much and now when you're supposed to say something, you've decided to pull silence?" He asked laughing.

Chenchita simply walked over to her father, "yes" she just muttered, shyly.

"Didn't hear it. What?"

"I said yes."

"Are you sure? You've suddenly made your mind?" Tirangini asked.

"Yes. Have thought about about, had any assurance I wanted and then decided." She answered to her mother.

"Saami, among us, the groom generally offers the bride price. We aren't sure of what is the rituals with devas."

Narasimha smiled, "By the hills, a lot of devotee come and offer donations. Out of them you can always have the first part." He answered.

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