Chapter 7: Who I am

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I decide to take Scott to the club that has a talk show where they have different types of people talk about themselves and maybe that way Scott can get to know me. We walk in and I tell him "Follow me." 

We weave through the crowd and make our way to the backstage. The bouncer stops us, but I show my invite and he nodded. "He's with me." 

Again, the bouncer nods and I nod to Scott before going past. I look back to make sure Scott's still behind me and after I go up to the person in charge. 

They tell me when I go on and I ask, "I have a friend with me, and I was wondering if they can come up with me." 

They nod and I look at Scott to tell him before it's my turn to go up "Scott I need your word that you won't speak a word." 

He juts nods but I shake my head repeating "I said your word." He nods again but say "you have my word." I smile and nod before my name is called. 

I tell him "Follow me." He follows and the person on stage, hands me the mic. I smile as I say "Hello everyone, I'm Dylan and this is my brother's friend Scott. 

He's here to learn what I'm like and just like most people he judged me for my cover. So, I thought this would be the best way to show him who I am, and I want to tell you all the reason I decided to look the way I do. 

In first grade I was beaten, and those kid's actually beat who they thought was my brother. I was beaten to the extent of waking up in the hospital and that was when I vowed never speak of it or tell my brother that they actually were after him. 

For years they beat me not knowing I was me, but after I asked my mom if I could get tattoos to become scary enough that they won't want to mess with me. She let me until I said this is good and then I asked for 1 or 2 piercings again she agreed. 

I was 8 and then after our 10th birthday our mom died so I walked all the way to that same tattoo place to dye my hair. Even though it wasn't very good it made me feel better and that is why I have tattoos, piercings and others. 

To make sure no messes with me or my brother and even though he doesn't know the reason it doesn't matter. As the older twin it's my responsibility to protect my brother and I'm going to in the only way I know how. 

So, you can judge me, you can beat me, but no one and I repeat NO ONE! Will harm my brother as long as I'm around and if you try, you'll have to go through me." 

I drop the mic and I turn leaving. I go up to Scott and say, "Let's go." I keep walking and we leave the place. 

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